Enterprise Risk Management RESEARCH PAPER

please address the following in a properly formatted research paper:

  • Do you think that ISO 27001 standard would work well in the organization that you currently or previously have worked for? If you are currently using ISO 27001 as an ISMS framework, analyze its effectiveness as you perceive in the organization.
  • Are there other frameworks mentioned has been discussed in the article that might be more effective?
  • Has any other research you uncover suggest there are better frameworks to use for addressing risks?

Your paper should meet the following requirements:

  • Be approximately four  pages in length, not including the required cover page and reference page.
  • Follow APA 7 guidelines. Your paper should include an introduction, a body with fully developed content, and a conclusion.
  • Support your answers with the readings from the course and at least two scholarly journal articles to support your positions, claims, and observations, in addition to your textbook. The UC Library is a great place to find resources.
  • Be clearly and well-written, concise, and logical, using excellent grammar and style techniques. You are being graded in part on the quality of your writing.

Covid Detection using Deep Learning Methods

Review Comments-1:

1. Detection of covid-19 using an infrared fever screening system (IFSS) based on deep learning

technology is the proposed title of this paper.

2. Keyword should be start with capital letter.

3. How to detect the visual images?

4. Selection of ML should be justified by the author.

5. How to provide screening data for each individual as output?

6. Explain the role of pooling layers?

7. Literary style of the paper should be improved.

8. Paper should be prepared as per template prescribed.

9. Figures are of poor resolution and clarity.

10. Minimum of 15 reference papers should be used in the reference section.

11. Dataset details are inadequate.

Review Comments-2:

There are adjustments for the authors have to be considered:

1. Detection of Covid-19 using an Infrared Fever Screening System (IFSS) based on Deep

Learning Technology is the proposed title of the paper.

Proceedings by Previous Publications

2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017

2. There is evidence of research, but you need to relate it to your own study and more literature-

based evaluation in the discussion

3. The strengths and weaknesses of the method described in the paper can be clearly defined.

4. Comparative analysis with existing models related to efficiency computation may be provided

in a tabular format

5. The figures are of poor clarity and resolution. Figures taken from the literature should be cited

for their source.

6. Try to cite all the references used in the work and some of the references are not cited in the


7. Conclusion and Future Scope should be improved related to the proposed work.

Guidelines for Evaluating a Research Article

Using attached “Guidelines for Evaluating a Research Article” to answer the below questions in no less than five (5) full written pages of content supported with academic research: 

  • What is an Information Technology Project?  
  • Identify & explain the major parts of a research paper.
  • Explain the difference(s) between qualitative vs quantitative research methods.
  • Why use Peer Reviewed journals?
  • Why are keywords used during the Literature Review process?
  • Why are project deliverables, limitations & deadlines an important aspect of project development?
  • Why use/apply APA Basic Citation Stiles in your writing assignments/research?
  • Why is Academic Integrity important (see syllabus)?
  • Explain the difference between plagiarism vs self-plagiarism?


  • Use at least three – five (3 – 5) quality resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar Websites do not qualify as quality resources.

Topics to be covered

  • Discussed Information Technology Projects.
  • Identified and explained the major parts of a research paper.
  • Explained the difference(s) between qualitative vs quantitative research methods.
  • Discussed the importance of peer reviewed journals.
  • Discussed the importance of keywords used during the literature review process.
  • Discussed why project deliverables, limitations and deadlines are an important aspect of project development
  • Discussed the why to use/apply APA Basic Citation Stiles in your writing assignments/research
  • Discussed the importance of academic integrity
  • Discussed the difference between plagiarism vs self-plagiarism.
  • Content is in rich descriptive details supported with quality research (Minimum 3 Sources) and properly formatted to APA.

SE493 week 8 Di

Discussion 8: 

Due: Please post your initial discussion No later than Thursday or Friday of this week. (80 Points)

Due :Peer/Classmate review/comment: Provide comments to at least 2 class members No later than Friday or Saturday of this week. Please mention the classmate/s name.(20 points)

Please take a few minutes and check the discussion board on Sunday and make sure to reply to peer comments OR my comments/query.

Please read IGU Grading Rubric  and late participation grading policy for discussion posted under policy section course modules.

Discussion Topic

Please read Chapter 22, and review PP slides and reputable articles/journals and in your own words discuss:

What is Risk Management? And provide at least one example of project, product, and business risks.

Note: You do not need to write complex statements taken from web resources. This is a discussion and you will earn better grade if you compose the discussion in your own words and correct grammar based on reading chapter 22 and reputable articles. 

GU Requirement: students are required to provide at least one supporting reference.

Part 4: Project Media

This assignment will be submitted to Turnitin®.Instructions

Click here to view the full Course Project description. 

Part 4: Project Media

With the outline you created last week, create media for your project. You should create at least 10 PowerPoint slide drafts that will be used for your presentation. If you want to use another media, like Prezi, please contact your professor. Keep your audience in mind, and review these tips to help: UMGC Writing Center – Writing for an Audience 

Microsoft’s Office 365 , which includes PowerPoint, is free for UMGC students. Learn more here

Resources to help you with the presentation:

Additional MS Resources 

This week your primary focus should be on the PowerPoint slides itself (images, graphics, text, citations, etc.). Next week you will submit a full draft of your presentation.

Due Date for Part 4: This submission is due during Week 5, with the final day of submission being the Tuesday of the fifth week (11:30pm ET). Please see the Course Schedule for the exact final due date for this submission.

Information Technology

 Create  an Evaluation Matrix Chart in Excel that will let you compare the 3  careers at technology companies side by side on each criterion.  What should be in the matrix are: 

  1. Three technology careers from Chapter 3. (i.e. system analysis, software engineer, help desk technician) to evaluate. 
  2. Five criteria (all students must use these criteria).   
    1. Salary
    2. Education/Certification
    3. Career Outlook (what percentage of jobs will be available in the future)
    4. Duties
    5. Work Schedule

Look  up the criteria for each of your careers/professions on the Bureau of  Labor and Statistics Occupational Outlook Handbook at https://www.bls.gov/ooh/ and O*Net  https://www.onetonline.org/.  You may use other sources of information.    Create 2 Excel worksheets.    

  1. The first is your Excel matrix chart with formulas  to calculate weighted scores and totals using a mixed cell reference.  This will enable you to see which career scored best with the raw scores  and then which career scored best with the weighted scores. Divide 100 points among the criteria, with the highest number of points going to the criteria that is most important to you. 
  2. The second  is a chart of your results from the matrix.  The chart may be the style  of your choice. It must give good information about the data in your  worksheet with your matrix. Name each worksheet in the workbook  appropriately. Submit your file with both worksheets into the Blackboard  assignment.

  An example of the matrix is in this section as an attachment.  Watch videos in the video reference folder for guidance.  Additional Resources available under GCFLearnFree.org section.   Do not forget to record your sources/references.   

Exp19_Access_Ch02_Capstone – International Foodies 1.0


Exp19_Access_Ch02_Capstone – International Foodies 1.0


nternational Foodies is an importer of exotic foods from all over the world. You landed a summer internship with the company and discovered that their product lists and the suppliers they buy from are stored in Excel workbooks. You offer to help by using your newly gained knowledge of Access to create a relational database for them. You will begin by importing the workbooks from Excel into a new Access database. Your manager mentions that she would also like a table that specifies food categories so that you can relate the products you sell to specific categories in the database. You will create a table from scratch to track categories, create relationships between the tables, and create some baseline queries.


Start   Access. Open the downloaded Access file named Exp19_Access_Ch2_Cap_Foodies. Grader has automatically added your   last name to the beginning of the filename. Save the file to the location   where you are storing your files.


You   will examine the data in the downloaded Excel worksheets to determine which   fields will become the primary keys in each table and which fields will   become the foreign keys so that you can join them in the database.

  Open the Suppliers.xlsx Excel   workbook, examine the data, and close the workbook. Open the Products.xlsx Excel workbook, examine   the data, and close the workbook.

  You will import two Excel workbooks that contain supplier and product   information into the database.

  Click the External Data tab, click   New Data Source, point to From File in the Import & Link   group, and then select Excel.   Navigate to and select the Suppliers.xlsx   workbook to be imported as a new table in the current database. Select First Row Contains Column Headings.   Set the SupplierID field Indexed option to Yes (No Duplicates). Select SupplierID   as the primary key when prompted and accept the table name Suppliers. Do not save the import   steps.


Import   the Products.xlsx workbook, set the   ProductID Indexed option to Yes (No   Duplicates), and select ProductID   as the primary key. Accept the table name Products.


Change   the Field Size of the QuantityPerUnit field to 25   in Design view of the Products table. Set the Field Size of ProductID and   CategoryID to Long Integer. Save   the changes and open the table in Datasheet view. Open the Suppliers table in   Datasheet view to examine the data. Close the tables.


You   will create a new table that will enable International Foodies to associate   each product with a food category in the database.

  Create a new table in Design view. Add the following fields in Design view   and set the properties as specified:

  Add the primary key field as CategoryID   with the Number Data Type and Number assigned to a new category.   (type the period) as the Description. Set the Caption property to Category ID.

  Save the table as Categories.


   Add CategoryName with the Short Text Data Type and Name of food   category.   (type the period) as the Description. Change the field size to 15. Set the Caption property to Category Name and the Required property to Yes.


Add   CategoryDescription with the Long Text Data Type. Set the Caption property to Category Description. Switch to Datasheet view and save the   table when prompted. You will enter Category data into the table in the next step.


   You will add 8 records to the Categories table so that you have some sample   data to test in the database.

  Add the following records to the Categories table:

Category   ID Category Name   Category Description 









  Close the table.


You will create   the relationships between the tables using the Relationships window.

  Add all three tables to the Relationships window. Identify the primary key   fields in the Categories table and the Suppliers table and join them with   their foreign key counterparts in the related Products table. Select the Enforce Referential Integrity and Cascade Update Related Fields check boxes.   Save and close the Relationships window.


You   will use the Simple Query Wizard to create a query of all products that you   import in the seafood category.

  Add the ProductName, SupplierID, and CategoryID fields from Products (in that order). Save the query   as Seafood Products.


Add   a criterion in Design view, to include only products with 8 as the CategoryID.


Sort   the query results in ascending order by ProductName. Run, save, and close the   query.


You   want to create a query that displays actual category names rather than the   CategoryIDs. You are interested to know which meat and poultry products are   imported. You will copy the Seafood Products query and modify it to delete a   field, then add an additional table and field.

  Copy the Seafood Products query   and paste it using Seafood Or Meat/Poultry   as the query name.


Open   the Seafood Or Meat/Poultry query   in Design view and delete the CategoryID   column.


Add   the Categories table to the top   pane of the query design window. Add the CategoryName   field to the last column of the design grid and set the criterion as “Seafood” Or “Meat/Poultry”.   Run, save, and close the query.


You   will create a query that identifies suppliers and their associated products.   Because there is a relationship between the two tables, you can now pull data   from each of them together as usable information.

  Create a query in Design view that includes the Suppliers and Products   tables. The query should list the company name, contact name, phone (in that   order), then the product name and the product cost (in that order).


Sort   the query by company name in ascending order, then by product cost in   descending order. Run, close, and save the query as Company by Product List.


You   determine that the data in the Company by Product List query could be   summarized with a Total row. You will group the records by company name, and   then count the number of products you buy from each of them.

  Copy the Company by Product List query   and paste it using Summary of Company by   Product   as the query name.


Open   the Summary of Company by Product   query in Design view and delete the ContactName, Phone, and ProductCost columns.


Click   Totals in the Show/Hide group on   the Query Tools Design tab. Click in the Total   row of the ProductName field, click the arrow, and then select Count.   The records will be grouped by the company’s name and the products for each   company will be summarized.


Modify   the field name of the ProductName column as Product Count:   ProductName to make the field name more   identifiable. Click Run in the   Results group (20 records display in the Datasheet). The results display the   product count for each company that supplies your organization. Save and   close the query.


Close   all database objects. Close the database and then exit Access. Submit the   database as directed.


Please complete the Lab and follow the detailed below. 

You need to submit a detailed lab report, with screenshots, to describe what you have done and what you have observed. You also need to provide explanation to the observations that are interesting or surprising. Please also list the important code snippets followed by explanation. Simply attaching code without any explanation will not receive credits. 

The requirements for the paper include the following


The requirements for the paper include the following:

• APA format

• Times New Roman 12 pt. Font

• Must include a coversheet, and reference pages

• Length must be at least 4 double spaced pages not including the coversheet and references

• Paper topic:

Write a paper on how you would use Object Oriented Design approach to design a payroll system for a company with 200 employees.
Your design should contain text, pseudo code, flow charts, class diagrams, or any types of diagrams that would help demonstrate your design to the reader.
Start your paper by writing about the history of object oriented programming (one page should be enough), followed by your essay of how you would go about designing the payroll system explained above.
I will leave the fine requirements of this design up to the students, therefore, the more cases and anomalies, and special cases that your payroll program covers, the better. You are on the driver seat to demonstrate your creativity and your knowledge of object oriented design concept.
Remember: I am not asking you to write code that would compile and execute, I am more interested in the design aspect.
Important: Your paper should comply with the APA format and should be free of any spelling or grammatical errors. Spelling or grammatical errors will affect your grade, for every spelling or grammatical error I will deduct 1% .
Submission of the term paper: The term paper must be submitted to the Dropbox by the date shown above in the course outline and in the above table. The accepted file formats are .doc, .docx, or .rtf