Exp22_Word_AppCapstone_IntroAssessment – Research 1.1

Exp22_Word_AppCapstone_IntroAssessment – Research 1.1


Exp22_Word_AppCapstone_IntroAssessment – Research 1.1

Project Description:

As you near graduation from college, you plan to apply to various graduate schools. You have prepared a draft of a statement of purpose that you will include in an application packet to each university to which you apply. You modify the statement of purpose so that it is attractive and error free. In addition, you include such items as a table, picture, header, footer, and footnote, formatting text in columns where appropriate. Finally, you use mail merge to prepare personalized copies.


Start Word. Download and open   the file named Exp22_Word_AppCapstone_IntroAssessment_Research.docx.   Grader has automatically added your last name to the beginning of the   filename.


Apply the Slice document theme.   Select all text in the document and change the font to Bookman Old Style.   Change the font size to 12. Adjust the right and left margins to 1.5″.

  If the theme is not available, click or select Browse for Themes, and then   select the downloaded theme file Slice.thmx.


Insert a header (select Edit   Header) that includes a left-aligned page number. Close the header.


Insert a manual page break   before the second paragraph on the second page, beginning with On behalf of the faculty and staff.


Select all text that displays   before the newly inserted page break and double-space the selected text.   Remove any paragraph spacing from the selected text.


Move to the beginning of the   document and press ENTER. Remove the First line indent from the newly   inserted blank paragraph. At the new paragraph, type Statement of Purpose and apply bold formatting to the   title. Center the title.


In the second paragraph on the   first page, place the insertion point after the period at the end of the   sentence that ends with by the   University of Arizona. Insert a footnote that reads The Three Minute Thesis Competition is open to all   academic disciplines at the university. (include the period).


Modify the Footnote Text style,   changing the font to Bookman Old Style and the font size to 12.


Find all occurrences of the word   sophomore in   the document and change the word to student.


Insert a footer (select Edit   Footer) and type 2024 Fall in the footer space. Change the   footer font to Bookman Old Style and change the footer font size to 12. Close   the footer.


Select all text on pages 4 and 5   and format it in two columns. Insert a Continuous section break before the   words On behalf of the faculty and   staff at the top of the fourth page.


Click or position the insertion   point before the newly inserted section break at the top of the fourth page   and change the column setting to One. Type Welcome to   the College of Business and press ENTER twice. Select Welcome to   the College of Business and apply the Title style. Reduce the font size   to 22. Center the newsletter title.


Add a bottom border with a   weight of 1 1/2 to the text Welcome to   the College of Business.


Place the insertion point before   the words The College of Business at   the beginning of the second body paragraph on the fourth page. Insert the University.jpg picture, downloaded with this   project. Change the picture style to Reflected Rounded Rectangle. Resize the   picture height to 1″ and select Square text wrapping.


Place the insertion point after   the period ending the first paragraph on the second page (ending in upon graduation). Press ENTER. Remove   the First line indent. Insert a 2-column by 6-row table. Change the width of   the second column to 1″.


Type Course in the top left cell and press TAB. Type Grade in the next cell on the first   row. Press TAB. Complete the table as shown below:

  Course Grade
Int.   Microeconomics A
Int.   Macroeconomics  B
Public   Finance B
Business   Calculus A
Contemporary   Economics A


Insert a row above the first row in the table. Merge all cells in row   1 and type Major Courses   Completed in row 1. Apply Align Center   alignment to row 1. Apply a table style of Grid Table 4 – Accent 6 (row 4,   column 7 under Grid Tables). Center the table horizontally.


Add a caption below the table.   The caption should read Table 1: Major Courses Completed at the University of Arizona. (Do not include the period.) Center the caption.


Create a custom watermark to   display at a diagonal, with the text Copy in Blue (column 8 in Standard colors). 


Check spelling and grammar in   the document. Correct the misspelling of analyzed   and the hyphenation of first-time.   If the check does not suggest a change for   first time, manually correct it in the second to last paragraph in the   left column on page 5, changing first   time to first-time. Ignore all   other grammatical and clarity concerns.


Replace the dash dividing the   words organization and Fortune 500 in the first paragraph on   the fourth page with an Em Dash symbol. In the same paragraph, replace the   dash following the word restaurants   with an Em Dash symbol.


Select the paragraph beginning   with I hope you will accept the   challenge on the last page (including the paragraph mark). Apply shading   of Red, Accent 6, Lighter 60% (last column, third row under Theme Colors) to   the selected paragraph.


Click or select the References   tab and ensure that the writing style is MLA. Place the insertion point after   the words 600 graduate students and before the ending   punctuation mark at the end of the first sentence in the right column on page   4. Insert a citation to a new source, selecting Report as the type of source.   Complete the entry as follows:
  Corporate Author: University of Arizona
  Title: State   of the University
  Publisher: University Press
  City: Peoria
  Year: 2024


Begin a mail merge based on   Letters, selecting recipients from an existing list—Graduate_Schools.xlsx, using Sheet1$. Filter to select only those   universities with an Area equal to W.


Replace [University Name] in the first paragraph on the third page with   the merge field of University. Be   sure to include the brackets with text to be replaced. Ensure that a space   precedes and follows the newly inserted University placeholder. Preview the   results and then finish the merge, choosing to edit individual documents and   merging all records.


Select the entire 10-page merged   document and copy it. Switch to Exp22_Word_AppCapstone_IntroAssessment_Research,   move the insertion point to the end of the document, and insert a manual page   break. At the top of the new page, paste the copied text. The original   document to which you pasted the merged data now contains 15 pages. Save Exp22_Word_AppCapstone_IntroAssessment_Research   and close all open documents without saving.


Save and close Exp22_Word_AppCapstone_IntroAssessment_Research.docx. Exit Word. Submit the file as directed.

cloud computing

 How is Cloud Computing different from a simple Client-Server architecture? How is Virtualization different from Cloud Computing? Which is the best to use and why? 



Read chapter 13 of your textbook (attached), and review online library and reputable articles/journals/online resources and write 3/4 page paper and discuss:

How do you design a secure network. Discuss latest technologies to keep your network secure.

Please list your reference/sources


Q) create a robust network plan for the organization.

#hugeproject #as-creative-asyoucan

A dual location medical clinic with doctors/physician’s assistants rotating between locations on different days

what have researchers learned about the impact of misinformation about COVID 19 on social media

Topic 1 : What have researchers learned about the impact of Misinformation about covid 19 on social media 

Topic 2: What have researchers learned about poverty in the Pakistan

Objective summary and compare & contrast assignments

choose 4 research articles for this topic 

In Class: You learned about the W(5) H(1) and completed Phase 2 on p. 13a of your Final ‘Mission’ Packet (Found in W. 4’s HW). This will be IMPORTANT for Week 6 so you MUST complete this before our next meeting. These notes will also help you with this assignment. See below

For this assignment:  You will choose ANY ONE of the research articles you submitted for W. 4’s HW and complete the following in a WORD document. 


  • 15 pts, Cover/Title Page 
  • 70 pts, Objective Summary: W(5) H(1) — YOU MUST PUT THIS IN YOUR OWN WORDS (Check your similarity BEFORE you submit) 
  • 15 pts, References Page (you will only have one reference listed — the research article you are using. Use the CORRECT references formula in the Foundations text to help you – found in Course Resources folder) 

Resources to help you:

In Foundations Text:

  • See pp. 17-22 to read about objective summaries
  • See pp. 23-28 to read more about avoiding plagiarism
  • See pp. 33-34 for Journal references formula 

List the Following Briefly in Five sentences each

  • 7.1 What is the basic building block of an 802.11 WLAN?
  • 7.2 Define an extended service set.
  • 7.3 List and briefly define IEEE 802.11 services.
  • 7.4 Is a distribution system a wireless network?
  • 7.5 How is the concept of an association related to that of mobility?
  • 7.6 What security areas are addressed by IEEE 802.11i?
  • 7.7 Briefly describe the five IEEE 802.11i phases of operation.
  • 7.8 What is the difference between TKIP and CCMP?

Risk Modeling

Your task this week is to write a research paper discussing the concept of risk modeling. Please also evaluate the importance of risk models. Lastly, construct an approach to modeling various risks and evaluate how an organization may make decisions about techniques to model, measure, and aggregate risks.Your paper should meet the following requirements:

  • Be approximately four to six pages in length, not including the required cover page and reference page.
  • Follow APA7 guidelines. Your paper should include an introduction, a body with fully developed content, and a conclusion.
  • Support your answers with the readings from the course and at least two scholarly journal articles to support your positions, claims, and observations, in addition to your textbook. The UC Library is a great place to find resources.
  • Be clearly and well-written, concise, and logical, using excellent grammar and style techniques. You are being graded in part on the quality of your writing.

Lab exercise


Payroll Lab

You will be taking in a file (payroll.txt) which details a number of departments (at least 1) and in each department are a set of employees (each department will have at least 1 employee or it would not appear on the payroll sheet). Your job is to read the file in separate out each employee and calculate the total values (hours, salary, number of employees) for each department and in each category (F1, F2, F3, F4). In your final submission please include the .cpp file which should work for any kind of payroll file I supply (which will naturally match the format of the examples below). Be sure to indicate in your submission text if you have attempted any of the bonus points .


An example file:

The IT Department
Bill 8 7 8 9 7 F1
Bob 205103 0.08 F3
Betty 8 8 7 8 8 F2
Brandon 10 10 9 6 9 F2
Brad 9 8 10 9 9 4 1 F4

The Sales Department
Kyle 88840 0.105 F3
Tyler 105203 0.085 F3
Konner 8 6 7 6 9 F2
Sam 309011 0.045 F3
Kent 9 8 9 9 9 0 0 F4

An additional example file:

The Sales Department
Mike 5 6 1 3 5 F1
Mark 98103 0.115 F3
Jill 8 8 8 8 8 F2

Frank 106101 0.095 F3

Mark 76881 0.091 F3

Department of Records
Konner 8 6 7 6 9 F2
Tammy 7 3 7 2 8 F1

Anika 8 8 8 8 8 F2

Marta 1 0 0 5 2 F1
Kent 9 8 9 9 9 0 0 F4


Last in the row after the hours comes the pay grade (F1, F2, F3, F4). The number of hours recorded is based on the pay grade of the employee. F1 and F2s will have 5 numbers for their hours. F3s are commission based where a sales amount and a commission percentage is given. F3s are also assumed to work 30 hours if their commission is 10% or below and 40 hours if their commission is above 10%. F4s will have 7 numbers (as they are on-call during the weekend). Each of the pay grades will also have different pay calculations which are as follows:

F1 = The total number of hours * 11.25
F2 = (The total number of hours – 35) * 18.95 + 400
F3 = The total sales amount * the commission rate
F4 = The first 5 hourly totals * 22.55 + Any weekend hourly totals (the last 2) * 48.75

Your output to the screen should start with the department name, followed by the total pay for all of the employees, then the total number of hours, and the total number of employees. After that you should have a breakdown of each category of employee: F1 total pay and total hours, F2 total pay and total hours…

Each department will have at least 1 employee and each department will contain the word “Department.”

The IT Department
Total Salary: $##.##
Total Hours: ###
Total Number of Employees: ##
Roster: Bill, Bob, Betty, Brandon, Brad 


Total Salary: $##.##
Total Hours: ###
Total Number of Employees: ##

Total Salary: $##.##
Total Hours: ###
Total Number of Employees: ##

Total Salary: $##.##
Total Hours: ###
Total Number of Employees: ##

Total Salary: $##.##
Total Hours: ###
Total Number of Employees: ##


The Sales Department
Total Salary: $##.##
Total Hours: ###
Total Number of Employees: ##
Roster: Kyle, Tyler, Konner, Sam, Kent


Total Salary: $##.##
Total Hours: ###
Total Number of Employees: ##

Total Salary: $##.##
Total Hours: ###
Total Number of Employees: ##

Total Salary: $##.##
Total Hours: ###
Total Number of Employees: ##

Total Salary: $##.##
Total Hours: ###
Total Number of Employees: ##


Before coding your solution, take the time to design the program. What are the possible things that the file can have that you need to anticipate? What are the actions that you need to take (read the file, add up hours…)? Are those actions things that could be placed in separate functions? What about the function – can you guess some of the things that will happen? Such as, using substring to pull out part of a line in the file maybe using stoi to convert a string to an integer to add it to the total or creating variables to hold the employee type you find before passing it to another function. Finally, how are these functions called, what is the order and what information is passed to and from? 

Scoring Breakdown

25% program compiles and runs
30% program reads in and calculates the figures for output
10% the program is appropriately commented
35% outputs the correct information in a clear format 

5% bonus to those who can output the F# responses in a columned output like that shown above.

5% order the employees in the roster according to their F status, F1’s first, then F2’s and so on.
5% bonus to those who do a chart comparing the data at the end to show the relation between the pay grades and the amount of salary spent in each (they style of chart is up to you and more points may be given for more difficult charts (like a line chart):


B Department
F1 – 00000000
F2 – 000000
F3 – 00000
F4 – 000000000000 

K Department
F1 – 0
F2 – 0000
F3 – 0000000000
F4 – 0000000 


Or event something like this instead:

0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
F1 F2 F3 F4



I. Instructions for your Choosing your Topic

Choose a specific technological artifact (or interconnected set of artifacts) or form of technology whose impacts, biases and political properties you can study by observing first-hand how people in the world use it. Your choice should be a primary source, some form of immediate, first-hand technology that you can observe directly. It should be original and unique, chosen from the categories below, and not be simply something like a smart phone.  

Possible topic categories include:  

· Technological Artifacts in the Built Environment: The built environment includes human-made structures, features, and facilities that encompass the environment where people live and work. Artifacts here would include things like a streetlight, a walkway, a road, a fence or barrier, a sidewalk, a piece of playground equipment, a building entrance, and a building elevator. For example, you could examine the streetlights at a specific busy corner where you live, an EV plug-in parking spot at a local supermarket, elevators in a building near you, an overpass on a specific street, or a specific floating dock at a riverside. 

· Household Items & Tools: These would include forms of technology used in a home. Included here could be things like a vacuum cleaner, a steam mop, a tool for fixing or building things, an interior or exterior lighting system, appliances, pieces of entertainment systems. Be sure to pick a specific brand and model since all vacuums, for instance, are not designed the same way. They can be items used in your own home by your family or in the home of someone you know. Make sure you have been able to observe their actual use. 

· Transportation and Infrastructure: These would include technologies people use to get around and systems that deliver specific locale services. Examples would include a specific car, truck, tractor, bus, train, airplane or a water/sewer system, a set of electrical towers, a dam, a sewage plant or system, a snowplow, a UPS truck, etc. This should be something you can see with your own eyes in its actual context where you live.  

· Technology from another Culture: This would include a technological artifact or form of technology used in a culture other than American culture or another country. Examples would include facial recognition technology in China, high-speed rail systems in Japan, precision farming technology in South Africa, the motorcycle rickshaw in India, and speaker systems on mosques in Pakistan. 

· Digital technology: This would include specific categories of computer programs, apps, platforms, or video games. Examples would be word-processing software, shopping apps, puzzle apps, Web 2.0 social media platforms, Web 1.0 multi-user platforms (usenet, text-based mmorpgs), first-person shooter video games, building video games, military training programs, MMOs of a particular genre (adventure, first person shooter, building), graphical based MMORPGs, bitmap games. 

· Workplace technology: This would include artifacts and digital technology found in the workplace. Examples would be things like staplers, copiers, labelers, mail sorters, forensic microscopes, accounting software, medical software, medical and dental tools, learning management systems, customer management software. 


II. Instructions for Creating your Video

Video Content

Once you have chosen your topic, create a 3-5 minute video. You can record your video with your smartphone, tablet or computer. You can give us a glimpse of what you will talk about, such as making your video on-site if you plan to talk about a set of streetlights or a playground, or you could edit in a photo of an artifact you plan to discuss. Be creative! 

In your video you should describe your artifact, mention why you are interested in examining it further, and include some of your thoughts about why this is an appropriate topic for a class on technology and culture. In your video, please make sure to cover the following questions, and feel free to include additional thoughts as appropriate.   


1. What are you planning to study?

2. Where is it located? If a digital form, where are its creators located?

3. Why is this technology interesting to you, personally?

4. Why is it an appropriate choice to talk about its impacts, biases or technological politics? Please see the readings and other assignments from week 3 to help you figure out how to talk about this question.  

Video Format

Your video should be about 3-5 minutes long and formatted as an MP4, MOV, or WMV. If you cannot create a video for whatever reason, please contact your instructor for an alternative way to fulfill this assignment’s requirements. 


III. Instructions for Sharing your Video

Please do not upload your video to the classroom. Instead, upload it to a cloud server (Google, OneDrive, etc.), set the permissions so that everyone with the link can see it, and cut and paste the link from your cloud server into the discussion forum.  

After you post your video, please make sure that others can access it by testing it. You can send your link to a family member or friend to see if they have access. If they don’t, then this means your professor and classmates also don’t, and you will have to adjust the settings.