Unzip Info


Unzip Info – – Just copy paste this file under default package of eclipse.. Once you have file in Eclipse then right click on it and Run As Applet
If you were able to run the program in Eclipse and see the working applet that mean eclipse would have created the .class file for it

do this next
right click on the java file i had sent in eclipse left panel and select properties.
You see the location where the .java file is located something like

Go to
C:somepathbin and you would see MortgageCalculatorGui.class

Copy MortgageCalculatorGui.class and place it in same directory where the MortgageCalculatorGui.html file that i had sent is located.. then open MortgageCalculatorGui.html in browser

Assignment Requires usage of R tool for the project.

 ****Only use the following dataset for drafting the project: https://www.kaggle.com/ramjasmaurya/best-cities-and-countries-for-startups-in-2021

This is a team assignment. Each team must use the R tool to use for the project.Your team will select a dataset from Kaggle that will be used for their project.Teams will be from 1 to 3On Friday evening, teams will meet for the residency weekend and put together a one page proposal that must be reviewed and approved by the professor that states:

  1. The problem to solve.
  2. The data sources to pull from.
  3. The tool that will be used (R)
    1. Note high level graphics that will be used to solve the problem and how they will be used.

On Saturday, teams will reconvene and complete the following:

  1. There must be a through data plan this includes:
    1. Where the data is online
    2. How you know the data is accurate and the plan for ensuring accuracy.
    3. An import of the data into the selected tool.
  2. A paper that includes:
    1. The data plan mentioned above
    2. The problem- note the description and why it’s a problem and how you are going to make a recommendation with the data presented.
    3. The analysis of why the data will solve the issue.
    4. Graphical representation and formulas.  The screenshots of the formulas in the tool must be present. 
    5. A summary of the consideration and evaluation of results
      1. This includes your teams’ final analysis of the problem and the resolution.

Note: The paper and data sheet (this is the raw data that will be imported into the tool) must be turned in before the end of the day on Saturday. 

Professional Presentation Discussion

  • post using technologies such as Kaltura, PowerPoint, or any other tool to explain the concepts learned during the week.
  • Minimum of 1 scholarly source

Initial Post Instructions

This week you learned how to create professional presentations. It is not only important to know how to use all of the features in PowerPoint, but also when it is appropriate or not to apply certain options. Let’s start talking about what you consider to be best practices when creating a PowerPoint presentation. Also, describe which features you considered the most helpful versus those that could be distracting or challenging to use. Finally, share how you are planning to convince the board to approve your research funding. Share how you setup your presentation to convince them.

Machine Learning 2

Fundamentals of general additive models

Write a fully executed R-Markdown program and submit a pdf / word or html file performing regression task using GAM algorithms on the primary response variable in the Nutrition Case Study. Make sure to try various hyperparameter settings to find the best available models.

You are required to clearly display and explain the models that were run for this task and their effect on the reduction of the Cost Function.

Points will be deducted in case you fail to explain the output. 

Coding program

1- This is for the week 3: 


# This is the flower box and it should be at the beginning of each assignment
# You must add comments to your code
# Program Name: Wk3_firstname_lastname.py
# Student Name: Your name
# Course: ENTD220
# Instructor: My Instructor
# Date: The date of the program written
# Description: This code will …..
# Copy Wrong: This is my work

You are going to enhance the prior assignment by doing the following:-

1) Create a function for each math operation (add, div, mult, sub)
2) The application will run forever, you will ask the user to continue or not.3) create a function IsinRange() to test a value between two ranges like this;Here is the spec in pseudocodeIsInRange(lr, hr, n) lr=low rangehr=high rangen=numberif n between ln and hnreturn trueelsereturn false

Hints 1) For practice please see lab exercises in the lesson section
2) See Sample output for messagesSample output

Enter your Lower range —> 10
Enter your Higher range —> 20
Enter your First number —> 15
Enter your Second number —> 17

The Result of 15.0+17.0=32.0
The Result of 15.0-17.0=-2.0
The Result of 15.0*17.0=255.0
The Result of 15.0/17.0=0.882352941176

Continue Looping Y/N Y

Enter your Lower range —> 20
Enter your Higher range —> 30
Enter your First number —> 25
Enter your Second number —> 50

      The input values are outside the input ranges
      Please check the numbers and try again

Thanks for using our calculator


2- Now this is for the week 4: 

# This is the flower box and it should at the beginning of each assignment

# You must add comments to your code
# Program Name: Wk4_firstname_lastname.py
# Student Name: your name
# Course: ENTD220
# Instructor: My instructor
# Date: The date of the program written

# Copy Wrong: This is my work

You are going to enhance the prior assignment by implementing exceptions

***** You need to tell me where you implemented the exception and why. *****Show me 2 test cases that will trap the errors. Your code needs to implement two separate try-except blocks for the appropriate area of the code. This means you cannot wrap your entire code with try-except blocks. 

Case studie

Case studies:

https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Dr-Bharadwaj- 2/publication/340174125_The_Engineering_Behind_A_Successful_Supply_Chain_Management_Strateg y_An_Insight_Into_AmazonCom/links/5e7c4cff299bf1a91b7a9822/The-Engineering-Behind-A- Successful-Supply-Chain-Management-Strategy-An-Insight-Into-AmazonCom.pdf

Organization 1
Why it was or not a success
Lessons Learned
Organization 2
Why it was or not a success
Lessons Learned

Graduate Research & Critical Analysis Feb 3

  1. STOP: (1) Have you watched the HW video on APA 7 Basics and Cover Page? (2) IF you were absent, have you watched the class recording? Do not continue to the assignment until these things are complete

    Step 1, Brainstorm: Think about your field of study as a master’s student. Use one of the two methods taught in class and find two news articles that report on relevant problems related to the industry associated with your master’s degree program (think about scandals within the last 5 years). Come up with two examples using the format below in a simple Word document, using APA 7 Basics and an APA 7 cover page learned through the HW video (see p. 20 in Foundations for a sample cover page)

    Step 2, Create your Word Document and Answer Questions (it should look similar to p. 5 in Foundations):

    FOR EXAMPLE: If my major is public health or even education, I would come up with something like Issue/Problem 1 below (MPH students, you cannot use this as your own). We have started one together in class, so you must complete what you started in class and find a second research problem proposal:

    Issue/Problem 1: Depression and anxiety among young adults 
    1) People Involved: College students, parents
    2) Link to Article: https://www.mayoclinichealthsystem.org/hometown-health/speaking-of-health/college-students-and-depression
    3) My Research Question: What have researchers learned about the impact of COVID 19 on depression and anxiety among young adult students?

    I would then fill out my second Problem proposal below: 

    Issue/Problem 2:
    1) People Involved: 
    2) Link to Article: 
    3) My Research Question: What have researchers learned about

    Cover/Title Page = 40 pts
    Issue/Problem 1 = 30 pts
    Issue/Problem 2 = 30 pts

Submission Content