Diminishing Marginal Productivity and the Supply Curve


  • In your own words, explain the law of diminishing marginal productivity. Be sure to mention why the law tends to hold in the short run.
  • Based on your readings this week, in your opinion which factors impact the supply curve for physicians the most? In your own words, explain how each factor impacts the supply curve.

must be at least 250 words and at least 2 references 










1. Why is the subject of workplace health and safety of concern to nurses? 

How are these concepts related to patient safety and patient outcomes? 

2. What action is suggested when you are faced with an angry or hostile coworker?

3. Why is substance misuse among nurses a serious concern? What is the most appropriate way to handle a suspicion that a coworker may be involved in serious substance misuse?

4. What is the most common physical injury experienced by LPNs and nursing assistants? How can a nurse manager help staff avoid physical injury at work? 

5. Describe several examples of sexual harassment in the workplace. Discuss methods of dealing with these instances.

6. Review the policies and procedures on the following safety issues in your current clinical rotation. Compare with other students in the class. What are the similarities and differences? What might this mean in terms of workplace safety? 

• Latex allergies

• Needlestick injuries

• Violence 

3. Go to the ANA website and explore the sections on workplace and patient safety under the heading “Professional Nursing Practice.” 

Which concepts discussed in these sections are particularly important to the beginning RN? Why? 

4. Interview one of the staff nurses on your unit. Explore his or her feelings and concerns related to the following topics. Based on the comments, develop strategies to address the concerns.

• Substance abuse among nurses

• Emergency preparation 

• Quality of work life within the organization 

The final PICOT question


Prepare this assignment as a 1,500-1,750 word paper using the instructor feedback from the previous course assignments and the guidelines below.

PICOT Question 

Revise the PICOT question you wrote in the Topic 1 assignment using the feedback you received from your instructor.

The final PICOT question will provide a framework for your capstone project (the project students must complete during their final course in the RN-BSN program of study).

Research Critiques

In the Topic 2 and Topic 3 assignments, you completed a qualitative and quantitative research critique on two articles for each type of study (4 articles total). Use the feedback you received from your instructor on these assignments to finalize the critical analysis of each study by making appropriate revisions.

The completed analysis should connect to your identified practice problem of interest that is the basis for your PICOT question.

Refer to “Research Critiques and PICOT Guidelines – Final Draft.” Questions under each heading should be addressed as a narrative in the structure of a formal paper.

Proposed Evidence-Based Practice Change

Discuss the link between the PICOT question, the research articles, and the nursing practice problem you identified. Include relevant details and supporting explanation and use that information to propose evidence-based practice changes.

General Requirements

Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide

Nursing Information management and technology Week 2


Change Proposal

In a Microsoft Word document of 4-5 pages formatted in APA style, develop a change proposal for a new technology that will contribute to a safer patient environment in your nursing unit.

In your paper address each of the following criteria:

·  Describe how the change proposal for the new technology will:

o  impact patient safety.

o  be measured to assess the impact of your change.

o  be communicated to staff and implemented.

·  Examine human factors related to change and resistance to change.

On a separate references page, cite all sources using APA format. Helpful APA guides and resources are available in the University Online Library. Below are guides that are located in the library and can be accessed and downloaded via the University Online Citation Resources: APA Style page. The American Psychological Association website also provides detailed guidance on formatting, citations, and references at APA Style.
• APA Citation Helper
• APA Citations Quick Sheet
• APA-Style Formatting Guidelines for a Written Essay
• Basic Essay Template

Please note that the title and reference pages should not be included in the total page count of your paper.

2 coments each one 150 words (CITATION AND REFERENCE)


Widely used nursing theories include Lewin’s 3 stage model and Lippits phase theory. The Lewin’s change theory consist of three stages including unfreezing, moving and refreezing stages. Unfreezing stage is when you recognize a change is needed, then you move to the phase when the change occurs and refreezing stage happens after equilibrium is established leading to satisfactory results and the cycles goes on and on. A distinct feature of Lewin theory is that it contains both driving forces and resisting forces and for the theory to be successful then the driving must overcome resistant forces. Lippits, Watson and Westley seven phase theory, first phase entails diagnosing the problem, assessing motivation, and capacity for change, evaluating change agent’s motivation and resource, choosing the appropriate role of the change agent, maintaining difference and last phase is termination of the help relationship (Tappen, 2016).

Lippits theory expands on Lewin’s model of change into the seven steps mentioned above as well it is more comparable to nursing process hence there is no significance difference between the two (Alageel, Gulliford, McDermott & Wright, 2018). However, Lewin’s is built on three fundamental steps thereby facing a lot of criticism since nursing is more complicated than the three levels. Similarly, both theories are widely used in nursing and both requires nurses who are willing and want to make change. The mentor has applied Lewin’s change theory because she has successfully introduced a new paper work despite the hospital having several rounds every hour. In the unfreezing period she has describe to nurses of the importance of the sheet and how to sign, in the moving stage she let the nurses give their opinions on the system and lastly in the refreezing stage she went round and made sure nurses make this a daily habit. In my own opinion, I believe that Lewin’s theory is more appropriate for my project since most nurses’ push for change receiving less resist from people.


Tappen, R. M. (2016). Advanced nursing research: From theory to practice. Jones & Bartlett


Alageel, S., Gulliford, M. C., McDermott, L., & Wright, A. J. (2018). Implementing multiple health behaviour change interventions for cardiovascular risk reduction in primary care: a qualitative study. BMC family practice, 19(1), 171.


There are several change theories that would be good to use for the implementation of my capstone change project. After discussing these theories with my preceptor and listening to her stories of success as well as failures, we decided Lewin’s change theory will work best in implementing my change project at the acute care hospital, because there will need to be a strong push for this to be accepted into practice. She had successfully used this theory in the hospital when implementing changes in the past, but she supports the idea that depending on the theory or approach, the outcome can be very different. Combining theories can also be very successful for reaching intended outcomes.

Lewin’s change theory involves three steps: freezing, moving and refreezing. Freezing involves using evidence to show why the change is necessary, moving is the active process of the change as it begins to occur in the organization and usually where most friction is met, and refreezing happens after the change is put in place and establishes momentum (Manyibe, et al,.2015). Success is dependent on the driving force dominating the resistant force.

Lippet’s theory builds on Lewin’s theory, but includes seven phases instead of just three. In this theory, leadership or management acts as the agent for change. The phases include identifying the problem, assessing willingness and driving force for change, evaluating management’s motivation and resources to apply changes, maintaining the change, leadership stepping into the change agent role with designated responsibilities and lastly when the change agent is accepted as part of the organizational culture (Udod, & Wagner, n.d.).

 Manyibe, E. O., Aref, F., Hunter, T., Moore, C. L., & Washington, A. L. (2015). An emerging conceptual framework for conducting disability, health, independent living, and rehabilitation research mentorship and training at minority serving institutions. The journal of rehabilitation, 4, 25. Retrieved from https://eds-a-ebscohost-com.lopes.idm.oclc.org/eds/pdfviewer/pdfviewer?vid=10&sid=023f49db-8dd6-4cc0-9e7d-ef58670ad40d%40sessionmgr4008

 Udod, S., & Wagner, J. (n.d.) Common change theories and application to different nursing situations. Retrieved from https://leadershipandinfluencingchangeinnursing.pressbooks.com/chapter/chapter-9-common-change-theories-and-application-to-different-nursing-situations/

Assignment: The Nurse Leader as Knowledge Worker

The term “knowledge worker” was first coined by management consultant and author Peter Drucker in his book, The Landmarks of Tomorrow (1959). Drucker defined knowledge workers as high-level workers who apply theoretical and analytical knowledge, acquired through formal training, to develop products and services. Does this sound familiar?

Nurses are very much knowledge workers. What has changed since Drucker’s time are the ways that knowledge can be acquired. The volume of data that can now be generated and the tools used to access this data have evolved significantly in recent years and helped healthcare professionals (among many others) to assume the role of knowledge worker in new and powerful ways.

In this Assignment, you will consider the evolving role of the nurse leader and how this evolution has led nurse leaders to assume the role of knowledge worker. You will prepare a PowerPoint presentation with an infographic (graphic that visually represents information, data, or knowledge. Infographics are intended to present information quickly and clearly.) to educate others on the role of nurse as knowledge worker.

Reference: Drucker, P. (1959). The landmarks of tomorrow. New York, NY: HarperCollins Publishers.

To Prepare:

  • Review the concepts of informatics as presented in the Resources.
  • Reflect on the role of a nurse leader as a knowledge worker.
  • Consider how knowledge may be informed by data that is collected/accessed.

The Assignment:

  • Explain the concept of a knowledge worker.
  • Define and explain nursing informatics and highlight the role of a nurse leader as a knowledge worker.
  • Include one slide that visually represents the role of a nurse leader as knowledge worker.
  • Your PowerPoint should Include the hypothetical scenario you originally shared in the Discussion Forum. Include your examination of the data that you could use, how the data might be accessed/collected, and what knowledge might be derived from that data. Be sure to incorporate feedback received from your colleagues’ responses.

By Day 7 of Week 2

Submit your completed Presentation.

Please follow the rubric attached.