Assignment 2


Assignment 2

Please read ALL directions below before starting your assignment. You may find it helpful to print a copy and cross off or highlight as you complete each expectation. Good luck! 

HRMN300 Assignment 2 – Summer 2020


  • Please submit your assignment as an      attachment in your assignments folder. 
  • Your assignment cannot be accepted via      messages, email or conferences. 
  • You must submit to the assignment link by      the due date stated in the syllabus for credit. A missing assignment will      be assigned a 0
  • Respond to all three questions below on a      new, blank word processing document (such as MS Word). 
  • Develop each answer to the fullest extent      possible, discussing the nuances of each topic and presenting your      arguments logically. 
  • In addition, include citations from the      class content resources in weeks 1-6 to support your arguments. 
    • Each answer should be robust and developed       in-depth. 
    • You are expected to demonstrate critical       thinking skills as well as an understanding of the issues identified. Some       questions may also require personal reflection and practical application       Your responses will be evaluated for content as well as grammar and       punctuation. 
    • All writing must be your original work. PLEASE do not copy or quote anything. Sources are just that, a reference. Once you locate       the information, read and interpret the data. What does it mean to you?       Type your own thoughts and own words. Then, include in-text citations       to support your ideas. This is       not a research paper.  


o Include a Cover Page with Name, Date, and Title of Assignment.

  • Do not include the original question, only      the question number.
  • Each response should be written in complete sentences, double-spaced      and spell-checked. Use 12-point Times New Roman font with 1-inch margins      on all sides. Include page numbers according to APA formatting guidelines.      
  • In addition, you will want to include      citations in APA format at the end of each answer. Include a      minimum of 3 references for each answer. References must be from class      materials. 

Question 1: 

What is the human resource manager’s role in a career development program? What is the manager’s role in a career development program? Make a case for who is primarily responsible for employees’ career success and why. What factors may be involved? What are some challenges that organizations may face in creating and implementing a career development program? 

Question 2:

A) Imagine that you are preparing for your first performance feedback session with your employee. You want the session to be effective for the employee, so he/she will have the motivation and knowledge to improve performance. You also want to provide a valid, accurate evaluation of the employee’s performance. What are the steps that you would take to prepare for the session? What sources of data would you consider? Finally, outline how you would conduct the feedback and evaluation. 

B) Assume the role of the employee. How would you need to prepare for your performance evaluation meeting? 

Question 3:

Define the term “security” with respect to today’s workplace. Discuss in detail the actions an employer can take to minimize the risk of bullying and workplace violence. What are some other security concerns organizations face and how can these risks be mitigated? Discuss at least three strategies. 

Due Saturday by 2 pm


Human Service Professionals come from different disciplines including social work, counseling, marriage and family, and psychology. No one field has been shown to be more effective than another when it comes to counseling. However, studies show that some Human Service Professionals are more effective than others. One of the most important skills of all Human Service Professionals is building rapport to discuss personal and sensitive topics.

Choose someone you are comfortable with and interview them on a controversial topic in which you may have differing viewpoints.

Write a 1-2 page synopsis on the mock interview including the topic, their viewpoints, how you got them to discuss the sensitive topic, and strategies you believe make an “effective” Human Service Professional.

Homework Question


Complete the conflict resolution questionnaire created by Dr. Johnson at the University of Arizona to determine your personal style. It is important for you to understand your personal conflict resolution style and be aware of it as you have difficult conversations.

Next, review the “Let’s Apply It” section in Chapter 2 called You’re an Avoider If… and complete the checklist of things that may have crossed your mind when having a difficult work-related conversation.  Painless Performance Conversations
by: Green, Marnie E.

ISBN: 978-1-118-53353-6
Edition/Copyright: 2013

Summarize the results of these tasks and conduct a self-analysis to determine whether you agree with the results. Post this summary and self-analysis to the discussion.

Conflict Management Questionnaire

Directions: Answer the questions by indicating how you would behave rather than how you think you should behave. Each question provides a strategy for dealing with a conflict. Rate each statement on a scale of 1 to 4. 

1 = Rarely  2 = Sometimes 3 = Often 4 = Always

1. I explore issues with others to find solutions that meet everyone’s needs. ___3____

2. I try to negotiate and adopt a “give-and-take” approach to problem situations. _____3__

3. I try to meet the expectations of others. ____4___

4. I generally argue my case and insist on the merits of my point of view. __2_____

5. When there is a disagreement, I gather as much information as I can to keep the lines of communication open. ____3___

6. When I find myself in an argument, I usually say very little and try to leave as soon as possible. ___1___

7. I try to see conflicts from both sides. What do I need? What does the other person need? What are the issues involved? ___3____

8. I prefer to compromise when solving problems and just move on. ___1____

9. I find conflicts challenging and exhilarating. I enjoy the battle of wits that usually follows. ___2____

10. Being at odds with other people makes me feel uncomfortable and anxious. _____1__

11. I try to accommodate the wishes of my friends and family. ____4___

12. I can figure out what needs to be done and I am usually right. ___3____

13. To break deadlocks, I would meet people halfway. _____2__

14. I may not get what I want, but it is a small price to pay for keeping the peace. __3_____

15. I avoid hard feelings by keeping my disagreements with others to myself. ____2___

How to score the Conflict Management Questionnaire:

As stated, the 15 statements correspond to the five conflict resolution styles. To find your most preferred style, total the points in the respective categories. The one with the highest score indicates your most commonly used strategy. The one with the lowest score indicates your least preferred strategy. However, if you are a leader who must deal with conflict on a regular basis, you may find your style to be a blend of multiple styles.


Style Corresponding Statements: Total: The numbers represent the questions above.

  • Collaborating:      1, 5, 7 ____9___
  • Competing:      4, 9, 12 _____7__
  • Avoiding:      6, 10, 15 ____4___
  • Accommodating:      3, 11, 14 _____11__
  • Compromising:      2, 8, 13 _____6__

Brief Descriptions of the Five Conflict Management Styles

Accommodating: Cooperating to a high degree where you may have to give in to maintain relationships

Pros: Minimizes injury when we are outmatched; relationships are maintained

Cons: Breeds resentment; exploits the weak

Avoiding Style: Non-confrontational approach

Pros: Does not escalate conflict; postpones difficulty

Cons: Unaddressed problems; unresolved problems

Collaborating Style: Problems are solved in a way for all involved to get what they want and negative feelings are minimized.

Pros: Creates mutual trust; maintains positive relationships; builds commitments

Cons: Time consuming; energy consuming

Competing Style: Authoritarian approach

Pros: Goal-oriented; quick

Cons: May breed hostility

Compromising Style: Middle ground approach

Pros: Useful in complex issues without simple solutions; all parties are equal in power

Cons: No one is ever really satisfied

Conflict Scenario

You and your roommate live in a dorm room on campus. Your roommate has a friend who is on fall break at a different time than your school. She wants to invite her friend to visit and stay for two nights. You know that you have three tests and a paper due that week. You would rather not have a guest that week. 

How will you work out this situation with her?

What conflict management style did you use?

What would you do if your roommate did not want to use this style?



After you have reviewed the case (this includes searching for other resources), you will prepare a case analysis in which you address the following in 2-3 pages (not including a reference page):  


  • What is the case? 
  • What are the facts in the case? Provide a brief summary.


  • What is the legal conflict / issue(s) that is presented? 
  • What is the relevant legislation surrounding this dispute/case? 


  • Has the dispute been resolved or a court decision made? 
    • Do you agree/disagree with outcome?
    • Do you agree/disagree with the likely outcome? 
    • If yes, what was the legal outcome?  
    • If not, what do you think will likely be the outcome? Why? 

Assisgnment 4 HRMN 395

4. formulate a plan for implementing a total rewards program in order to ensure success of the program

To supplement the final paper, you will develop an action plan for implementing the recommendations for the total rewards program. You are encouraged to use a Gantt chart or Pert or similar graphic to display a timeline and the interdependence or sequence of the activities. 

Be sure to include how you will collect the data for each metric and how you will set the targeted goal for each metric.

A good action plan contains 

  • specific and quantifiable steps
  • the order in which those steps are to be taken
  • the individuals responsible for each step
  • the individuals responsible for overall segments as applicable
  • the required resources for each step; and
  • the funding sources as applicable

The timeline adds to the presentation/paper and aids in the identification of success measures and issues/problems encountered and overcome. 

Module 04: Annotated Bibliography

Another method of tracking/organizing your research is using an Annotated Bibliography.  An annotated bibliography is one of the most important tools in conducting research. It is a list of sources on a particular topic that includes a brief summary of the article in your own words (not copying the abstract) and the connection that supports your paper. 

Once you have identified your primary or secondary research topic(s), then you will begin to research and complete an Annotated Bibliography. .

You must select, read, and review 5 scholarly articles on your human resource topic(s). The articles must be peer reviewed journal articles from either Welder Library Eresources or Google Scholar.  Articles from dot com’s or dot org websites will not be accepted. 

Provide an annotated bibliography properly formatted in APA that addresses the following for each article.

More information regarding an Annotated Bibliography is located in the module 4 Read and Review section.

An annotated bibliography should avoid first person and be completed using APA format and include:

  •  The purpose of the study
  •  The findings of the study
  • The relevance of the study to the student’s scholarly interests

Grading Rubric: 40 points

Each article is worth 6 points and will be evaluated using the information below. 

  • 2 points – Article is peer reviewed and credible and comes from Welder Library Eresouces or Google Scholar 
  • 2 points – Summary is a minimum or six sentences and provided the purpose of the study and the findings of the study in the student’s own words. 
  • 2 points – Relevance to scholarly interest- student avoids first person and clearly makes a connection to how the information connects to their subject/paper. This should be a minimum of 2 sentences.
  • 10 points – Proper APA format.

Please remember our focus is on five of the following topics:

  • Remote Working Plan (telework)
  • Business Continuity Plan
  • Managing Employee Communication
  • Maintaining Organizational Culture
  • Talent Acquisition and Retention
  • Engaging Remote Employees
  • Essential versus Non-Essential Employees
  • Implementation of Preventative Measures
  • Considerations to Remain Open or Re-Opening
  • Investment in Technology
  • Handling of Sick Leave and/or Time-Off

MHA500 MOD 4


1. There are discussions (minimum of 1-2 pages) needed by Monday 5 Oct, NLT 5PM.

2. There is a Case Paper assignment due Fri 9th, Oct, NLT 5PM.

3. SLP Paper NLT Mon 12th, Oct, NLT 5 PM

No Plagiarism of any kind, no paraphrase or word for word….

These papers must be done on time and according to requirements.  You must read the instruction and use the proper formats and references. ” At least” 4 Ref’s cited on all assignments

I need a very professional paper and will have more for the right tutor.

MH681D Activity 6


MH681 Health Care Human Resources Management

Lesson 6: Workplace Safety and Global HR

Activity 6: Google Case Study Continued

For this activity, you will continue consulting with Google executives. They informed you that they are opening offices in Paris and London. They plan to relocate current employees who work in its Bay Area location. Google believes the use of expatriates is the best approach given their familiarity with the company and its strategic mission. The HR department is concerned about the safety of its employees. The Google executives and HR managers you meet with pose the following questions.

  1. What sorts of factors do you think Google will      have to take into consideration as it tries transferring its culture and      reward systems and way of doing business to its operations abroad? We      believe that if we fail in London and Paris, plans to expand further will      be abandoned. 
  2. What measures should we take to relocate our      executives? Obviously, in London language is not a barrier. We are      concerned about their safety, especially due to terrorist activities in      France. We are also concerned about some of the spouses’ abilities to      relocate and be happy. 

2 questions on a case study. Both questions 300 word max “total of 600”. Please see attachment

  1. Identify one specific task leadership activity and one specific maintenance activity that should be encouraged. Identify the most significant disruptive behavior that should be discouraged.
  2. Identify the most obvious individual motivational problems experienced by Jing, Mahonney and Tanney. How should Denson motivate each person (be sure to provide a specific motivational suggestion for each person based on their motivational needs. Ensure that you have at least one suggestion from each of the motivational theory/techniques: content theories, process theories and reinforcement strategies).
