Primary Task Response: Within the Discussion Board area, write 350–500 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas.
Part 1
The style approach (also called behavior theory) asserts that effective leaders behave in certain ways. You can become an effective leader by watching and replicating how effective leaders behave and act. The two classifications of behaviors associated with the style approach are task behaviors and relationship behaviors.
Discuss the following for this assignment:
- Do you feel your leadership style is more task or relationship-oriented? Explain.
- Think of a recent negative or positive experience where you were required to lead an individual or group of people (school, home, work, community, etc.). Describe where do you think you would plot on Blake and Mouton’s managerial leadership grid?
Part 2
Find resources on the great man theory, trait theory, and skills theory. Respond to the following questions:
- Which theory do you think best describes Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King, and Nelson Mandela? Justify your answer.
- Do you think some leaders are born leaders? Justify your answer.
In addition to addressing all requirements of the assignments, model answer includes the following:
- Decisions of who fits which theory will vary; however, your justification should align to the following facts about each theory:
- Great Man theory: This theory posits that some individuals are born with the destiny to be a great leader. It is like a divine purpose. Leaders are destined from birth.
- Trait theory: This theory considers that some individuals are born with specific traits that are consistently found in great leaders. The theory believes that there are a group of traits or characteristics that leaders are born with that are not found in non-leaders. It is the theory that leaders are made.
- Skills theory: This theory postulates that there are specific skills (knowledge and abilities) that non-leaders can learn or develop to become effective leaders.
- Opinions of whether leaders are born or made will vary, but you should be able to justify your opinions using the leadership theories or scholarly research on theories.
- Recognize that situations open the opportunities for leaders to lead, or environmental frustrations create the impetus to lead to relieve a pain or to right a wrong. However, anyone who is compelled to address a situation cannot be a leader. Sometimes they are the followers in the background supporting the efforts on the front line.
- Properly cite the required reading materials