LP01 Assignment: Impact Paper

HA3120D – Essentials of Managed Care

LP01 Assignment: Impact Paper


Write a 2 to 3 page paper concerning the impact the development of MCOs has had on the doctor-patient relationship.

.List issues that have impacted the doctor-patient relationship due to the development of MCOs and the change in what the MCO expects from a doctor.

.After listing the issues, discuss the positives and/or negatives of each.

.From your text readings and research through the virtual library, etc., do you believe that the doctor-patient relationship has been affected more positively or negatively?

.Cite references to back your writings.

Labor Relations and Collective Bargaining


In an essay, answer the following questions about the concepts tied to this unit. Your response needs to be at least one page in length.

  • To what extent is employment-at-will an issue in discipline cases in nonunion companies?
  • To what extent is it an issue in unionized companies?
  • Based on your research, what advice do you have for managers?
  • What advice do you have for lawmakers (i.e., to what extent should employment-at-will be relevant for employee discipline)?

Ensure the references are not more than five years old


Virtual World

EBBD EMAIL – for Internal Use Only

To: You

From: Danny Wilco <[email protected]>

Subject: Re: Quarterly Ordering Decisions

Here is what we would like you to do. We want you to use the Import Beer product line as a test case for developing an optimization program. Use the Excel file that we have developed with the forecast information for the import beer product line. Other information that you will need has been provided by Accounting: inventory holding costs, product costs and price markups.

This information with the Sales Forecast and costs and prices has been provided in the Excel file. [EBBD-ImportsData]

We want you to develop a method that will determine the optimal ordering quantities so that we maximize the gross profits and also take into account inventory holding costs.

After you have developed this method, write a short report to management explaining what you did and how this method can be used going forward on a quarter by quarter basis and for the other product lines.

Also attach any calculations or analysis that you did in an Excel file.

Let me know if you have any questions.

~DW, VP LogOps.

Learning Wizard

If you have done all of the exercises successfully you should be able to easily complete the EBBD assignment from Wilco. Be sure to watch the videos.

Download the EBBD-ImportsData Excel (click on link above) file and look at how it compares to the practice examples in the EBBD Exercises spreadsheet.

Setup the decision cells, the inventory cells and inventory constraints. Then add the calculations for income and costs. Make sure you get the timing right for which inventory is sold in which quarter. You could develop intermediate cells that calculate the costs, just to help you keep track of this. Be sure to use the quarterly inventory holding cost rate. Then calculate the gross profit cell.

Then, open up Solver and add the aspects to it. Make sure that you add a constraint that keeps your inventory values positive.

Once you have the correct solution, save your Excel file and write the report.

Upload the Report and the Excel file with the solution to Case 3 Dropbox.

Assignment Expectations of the written report – write the report to your boss, Danny Wilco

The report should thoroughly address these aspects in depth and breadth:

  • Problem situation: clearly elucidate the problem situation at EBBD
  • Assumptions: what are the assumptions that need to be made and your critical evaluation
  • Solution: What is your solution for Order Quantities? Discuss how you developed the Solver solution. Keep in mind that your audience is not too technical and do not need a lot of detail on this.
    • Make sure you attach the Excel file.
    • You should refer to the Excel file when necessary.
  • Recommendations: what do you propose for EBBD in terms of using this method in the future and for the other product lines?
  • Justification & Explanation: clear reasoning as to why the recommendations were made
  • Writing style & Organization: well-formed sentences and paragraphs, well organized with flow of reason, and good use of language that pertain to concepts and terminology
  • Use of references & citations: Be sure appropriately cite sources within the paper and in the end reference list.

Case Resources

Linear Programming (L.P.). (n.d.). Absolute Astronomy. Retrieved from http://www.absoluteastronomy.com/topics/Linear_programming

Linear Programming, Introduction (n.d.). Purplemath. Retrieved from http://www.purplemath.com/modules/linprog.htm

YouTube LP example: DJJ Enterprise (3 PARTS)

Linear Programming Formulation in Excel (n.d.). YouTube. Retrieved from http://youtu.be/TNLqtmkK4EA

LP Formulas in Excel (n.d.). YouTube. Retrieved from http://youtu.be/wQhNEMvh3MM

Using Solver to Optimize LP. (n.d.). YouTube. Retrieved from http://youtu.be/9tHqa8EV3rc 


Week 3 discussion


Watch the GEN103 Scholarly & Popular Resources (Links to an external site.) and How to Read a Scholarly Article (Links to an external site.) videos, and review the Source Types handout,

Read this scholarly, peer-reviewed article:

Ajunwa, I., Crawford, K., & Ford, J. S. (2016). Health and big data: An ethical framework for health information collection by corporate wellness programs. Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics, 44(3), 474–480. https://doi.org/10.1177/1073110516667943

Depending on first letter of your last name, read one of the following:


Reflect: You read two articles that address the same topic but are different types of sources. Consider the following questions:

  • What characteristics make the sources different?
  • How do those differences add to or detract from the credibility of the sources?
  • How could you use each of the sources in school, at work, or in your personal life? Think of at least two specific examples.


Write:  Based on your learning in the Prepare and Reflect sections above, write at least three paragraphs that fully address the prompt below. Cite any sources you use or refer to.

  1. Identify the type of source you read in addition to the scholarly, peer-reviewed article. Who is the audience for each source? How does the intended audience affect the choice of language, images, and organization?
  2. Analyze the credibility of the two sources that you read. What specific features of the articles led you to conclude the source was or was not credible? Provide at least one specific example for each source.
  3. Explain how each source might be used to address a specific information need. What research situations would be appropriate for each source? What concerns would you have about using the sources in those situations?

Your initial post must be at least 350 words and address all of the prompt’s elements.

You must cite and reference any sources that you use in your posts, including your textbook or any other sources of information that you use. Please refer to the Writing Center’s Citing Within Your Paper (Links to an external site.) and Formatting Your References List (Links to an external site.) for help with citing and referencing your sources


There is a short article to read and 5 questions to answer 

Anne is a case manager with a community agency. One of the most effective ways to describe her work as a case manager is to read about one of her recent cases illustrating what she does.

Elizabeth and Gordon Bethke were referred to Anne by their daughter’s physician after they indicated they were struggling with their daughter’s anger management and attitude.

At our first meeting, I learned that the Bethkes had been married for twenty-five years and had three daughters. Their oldest, Courtney, 23, lives in France doing graduate work for her mechanical engineering master’s degree. Christina, 20, is a junior in college. After this year, the Bethke’s were preparing to become empty nesters and were struggling with their youngest daughter, Whitney, eighteen and a senior in high school.

Courtney and Christina are both in college and are very independent. Whitney, on the other hand, has struggled with dependency—being dependent not only on her parents but also on her boyfriend and friends. She has relied very much on her looks and style to get what she wanted. Having been fairly strict parents while raising the first two, Gordon and Elizabeth were having a hard time keeping track of Whitney.

As the problems continued to unravel, so did the story of a very troubled marriage. I suggested meeting with Gordon and Elizabeth separately to attempt to get a more complete picture of the situation. They were both agreeable.

Meeting with Gordon revealed a man who did not like to admit to any problems with his marriage; truthfully, they appeared to have been struggling quietly for years. Gordon was a man who was aggressive through his silence. He tortured his family, not with alcohol or beatings, but with the silent treatment. He controlled his wife with manipulative behavior in the bedroom. After talking with him, it was evident that Gordon was an angry man, upset with the hurt that his wife had caused him. He would admit his anger or frustration to Elizabeth. When she would inquire why, however, he would refuse to talk to her. In this way, he controlled her emotions and behavior.

Meeting with Elizabeth uncovered a woman who was dying to talk to someone about her struggles with Gordon. I realized how truly unhappy Elizabeth was with her marriage. She felt trapped. She felt the only time she could be herself was when she was not with Gordon. She admitted that, a few years ago, she had met a man who seemed to understand her. This made her realize that, in all of these years with Gordon, she had never been the person she thought she was.

The man Elizabeth felt a connection with was a close family friend. It hurt Gordon very much when he became aware of the strong feelings between Elizabeth and the friend. The couple agreed not to speak or socialize with this friend anymore and to try to work things out between them. Elizabeth became submissive and willing to do whatever it took to make their life together appear loving from the outside. Although she was dependent on Gordon, she continued to be drawn emotionally to the friend and began to speak and meet with him behind Gordon’s back.

The family initially came to the agency because of Whitney. Once they were accepted for services, Whitney was the easiest person in the family to work with. Before the meetings, Whitney was aggressive toward her parents and sisters, hung with “the wrong crowd,” drank and smoked, and skipped class. Her grades had dropped from a strong B+ to all Cs and Ds. Every time something would not go her way, she would lose control and scream at her parents. The next day she would act as though nothing had happened.

Whitney came voluntarily and, after some rapport was established, she talked openly about what her life was like and how she wanted things to be. She hated soccer but felt intense family pressure to continue playing. Gordon was a former professional hockey player, and both sisters had played or were playing collegiate soccer. We explored a number of options for Whitney. She finally decided to quit playing soccer and to try out for cheerleading. This was an uphill battle for her because cheerleading was unknown to the Bethke clan. Whitney persisted, made the cheerleading squad, and finally felt some success of her own. In her high school, all athletes signed a “blue sheet” stating they wouldn’t smoke, drink, take drugs, or skip class. A certain grade point average was mandatory. Although her old friends didn’t want anything to do with her now, she began hanging out with her cheerleading teammates. Her grades improved, and, although her temper is still hot, she had learned to apologize. I believe that if Whitney continues to receive positive reinforcement and affirmation for who she is and for her abilities, she will continue to grow and develop into a mature young woman. We will continue to work on anger management once every two weeks.

Unfortunately, for Gordon and Elizabeth, life won’t be that easy. I referred Gordon to the center’s psychologist for an evaluation. He was diagnosed as passive-aggressive, and therapy was recommended. I have arranged for him to see a counselor who works well with males. I believe he will also benefit from participation in a group at our center for people who want to change behaviors. His negativism and inability to accept responsibility for his behavior are particularly troublesome in his marriage. One of Gordon’s assignments has been to read about his diagnosis and, although he isn’t completely in agreement with his diagnosis, there is some improvement in his ability to talk about his feelings.

Elizabeth has agreed not to see her friend until she has worked things out with Gordon. Her physician suspected she was depressed and a psychological evaluation by a psychologist at the center supported a diagnosis of clinical depression. She refuses to take any medication for it. I will continue to meet with her once a week. We are trying to develop a plan of action for her so she has some goals that will allow her to improve her self-concept and take responsibility for her well-being.

  1. Based on Anne’s work with this case, how would you describe her job responsibilities as a case manager?
  2. Describe the recordkeeping that would be necessary in this case.
  3. How does the case manager involve Gordon, Elizabeth, and Whitney in the case management process?
  4. Suppose you are Mary Richmond. What social diagnosis methods might you employ with this case?
  5. If you are in compliance with the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, how would you promote client involvement and client satisfaction?

Due Sunday by 3.00 pm


This assignment has two options. Please see below and choose the option that best suits your current situation. PLEASE HAVE THE PERSON THAT YOU ARE INTERVIEWING ANSWER ALL 9 QUESTIONS AND REMEMBER TO WRITE A 2-3 PARAGRAPHS ASSESSMENT ABOUT YOURSELF AS DESRCIBED BELOW.

Option 1 – Lesbian, Homosexual, and Bisexual

A lot of people know someone who identifies as lesbian, homosexual, or bisexual. Choose someone who is comfortable being interviewed and conduct an interview. You will not need to provide their identity. This exercise will get you familiar asking questions that may be considered uncomfortable.

  1. When did you first think you might be gay?
  2. When was your first crush?
  3. First date or sexual activity?
  4. Did you try to live the straight lifestyle for a period of time?
  5. Were you ever in denial?
  6. Have you come out to your family?
  7. How did they react?
  8. Have you ever been the victim of homophobic comments?
  9. Have you ever been discriminated against?

Option 2 – Heterosexual

Interview someone who you know that is Heterosexual with the following questions and complete your self-assessment.

  1. Are you sure you are straight?
  2. How do you know?
  3. Have you ever seen a member of the same sex and found them to be attractive in a sexual way? Ever?
  4. How long have you been straight?
  5. Were you born that way?
  6. Or was there something that happened in your childhood that made you straight?
  7. Were you straight before you had your first sexual experience?
  8. How do you know you were?
  9. Does your family know you are straight? Have you “come out?”

After you complete the interview, complete a self-assessment (2-3 paragraphs) on how comfortable you felt asking such sensitive and personal questions. What did you learn about discussing sensitive subjects? What will you do differently next time?

grant writing

The methodology section is one of the core components of the grant. This section is concerned with addressing the question: “How will you carry out the project?” (Gitlin & Lyons, 2014, p. 92). For example, if your proposal is for a nonprofit-related project, you might identify the population served or indicate who will receive services. Depending on the grant type, you may also include the research sample and associated inclusion criteria. A research proposal may also include the research design strategy, assumptions, validity, reliability, statistical analysis, timeline, and evaluation plans. Finally, in this section you may address human resources requirements and materials or supplies needed to complete the project.

In recent years, evaluation plans have become increasingly important to prospective funders. Competition for grants is intense, and funders must feel confident that money will be well spent and that projects can be appropriately evaluated. This is an important consideration for the grant seeker as well. Your organization will also want to be assured that the time and effort put into a project proves that the objectives are met and if not, why.

For this Assignment:

  • Review the Final Project Guidelines provided in this module’s Learning Resources.
  • Carefully review your Gitlin & Lyons text, the University of Wisconsin-Extension resource, and the Community Tool Box resource as well as other Learning Resources that focus on methodology and evaluation. You may also find additional online information from reputable grant-related organizations, such as Foundation Center and individual private funders.
  • Remember that this content must demonstrate that it addresses funder interests as well as the grantee perspective.

In 3–5 pages, provide your Methodology and Evaluation Plans.

In developing the methodology for your project, keep these thoughts in mind:

  • A project should undertake only activities that will move it toward the objectives.
  • If any activities are not necessary for reaching the objectives, do not include them in the proposal.
  • The methodology includes the day-to-day, week-to-week, and/or month-to-month activities that will be carried out during the project period.

The Methodology includes:

  • Program description
  • Research design
  • Human subjects (sample)
  • Study validity and reliability
  • Assumptions and limitations
  • Time line
  • Analysis (and/or see Evaluation below)
  • Non-personnel resources
    • Facilities, supplies, technology, etc.
    • Any non-personnel resources that will appear in the proposal budget should be described
  • Personnel resources
    • Who will be assigned or hired?
  • Management plan (Work plan)
    • Who will be responsible for which activities
    • What is the timeline associated with activities (first quarter, second quarter, third quarter, fourth quarter, ongoing)?
    • How will the project be managed?

The Evaluation Plan includes:

  • Description of the specific criteria that will measure the success of the project
  • Explanation of data that will be collected
    • Verify if your grant application will require an institutional review board (IRB) approval.
  • Explanation of the data collection plans at the beginning, mid-program, and final evaluation
  • Evaluation instruments that will be used and an explanation of why these instruments were selected
  • Plans for writing the periodic reports to keep the funder updated

Wk 1, IOP 470: DQ

Must reference textbook and a minimum on 1 other additional source.

APA format

Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words: 

Identify a social group that you are a member of. (Culture, see copied text to reference).

Consider the following:

What makes it a social group, rather than just a collection of people?

Why was the group formed? What is the purpose of the group?

What is your role as a member?

Describe interactions among members of the group.

Copied Textbook

Cultures. Another type of very large social group, and one that has profound consequences for human development and activity, is the culture (Kitayama & Cohen, 2010). A culture is a large social group made up of individuals who are normally in geographic proximity and who share a common set of beliefs and values, such as language, religion, and family practices. Cultures affect our behavior because we normally live in one specific environment or ecological system and this environment profoundly shapes every aspect of our existence (Oishi & Graham, 2010).

Culture: A large social group made up of individuals who are normally in geographic proximity with each other and who share a common set of social norms.

Although cultures can sometimes be associated with a single social category (for instance, we might speak of an African American culture in the United States), in other cases, individuals from many different social categories share the same culture (in the United States, as an example, there is a common “American” culture which is shared, to a large degree, by the members of the many different ethnic groups who live there). Individuals who grow up in the same culture develop shared values, beliefs, and opinions, and these differences are exceedingly important for understanding both how people feel about themselves and how they relate to others. As we will see in the chapters to come, although the variation in backgrounds, beliefs, expectations, and behaviors of people from different cultures may be advantageous for diverse working groups, these same differences may also potentially produce misunderstandings and conflict.

In-text citation (Stagnor, 2016, p. 7)

Reference: Stagnor, C. (2016). Social Groups in Action and Interaction (2nd ed.) Florence, KY: Taylor & Francis.

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