HR Programs

Review the attachment and write a 5-6 page paper in APA format with 6 references to address the following:

  1. Describe what is unique about SIA’s five elements of its successful HR practices.
  2. Evaluate the effectiveness of each element’s contribution toward SIA’s leadership in service excellence and cost effectiveness.
  3. Despite evidence that such practices help service firms achieve higher company performance, many organizations have not managed to execute them as effectively. Why do you think that is the case?
  4. Some of SIA’s HR practices would be illegal in the U.S. Is this fair competition, or are those HR practices encouraging a “race to the bottom” in terms of employee rights?

roles and configuration


The human resource department, including its roles and configuration, can vary widely from company to company. This variation can be a function of the size of the company, the industry of the company, and the strategic placement of human resources.

  • Considering this, please address the following prompts in your discussion on one page.
    • Is there a minimum level or configuration for the human resources department? How does this minimum level vary based on the size of the organization and industry?
    • After acknowledging this minimum level, is the organization missing out on benefits that could be had with a larger or more active department? Is there a point of diminishing returns?
    • Define what you think it means for an organization to manage its human resources.
    • How does effective human resource management contribute to a company’s success? 

Please be sure to validate your opinions and ideas with citations and references in APA format.



Discussion 12: Organizational Culture

Soloaga (2019) mentioned Schein (1990), defined organizational culture as a set of behavioral habits generated by the people who make up a company. Therefore, the employees, leaders, supervisors, stakeholders, and CEOs make up the organization.  Organizational culture is collective (Andrianu, 2020). It is important to assess how one feels, how one thinks, and how one behaves. Behaviors are actions in which one displays. Attitudes and values are also important to consider within the organizational culture. As we know, values and beliefs are what makes up an individual. It is vital for the attitudes, values, and beliefs to align with organizational beliefs, mission, and vision. If the values, attitude, and beliefs do not align with the organization’s beliefs, mission, and vision, then it is quite obvious that the organization may not be a good fit for the individual. It is important to conduct research and be aware of the organizational culture before applying to work for an organization. Working for an organization in which you do not believe in will not benefit the organization nor the self.

It is important to understand organizational culture as it can teach you what the organization stands for and represents. I have a private practice counseling agency named Gracefully Purposed Counseling & Consulting, LLC. When I shared this name with one of my supervisors, she was hesitant to like the name because she felt that others would associate it with Christianity. I can understand how she came to that conclusion, however, that is not all the organization represents. The organization represents wholeness, healing, transformation, etc. My attitude, values, and beliefs assisted in shaping my organizational culture. It is who I am, and I am who my business represents.

It is imperative to note that without proper research of an organization and what they stand for can hinder job performance if hired. Therefore, as we can see, it is essential to learn about the organization in which one prospectively wants to work for or already work for. Another thing to take into consideration is the fact that individuals do change overtimes, as well as organizations. So sometimes it is beneficial to review and assesses one’s values, beliefs, and attitude to ensure they still align with the organizations.

ANDRIANU, A.-B. (2020). Resilient organizational culture: Cluj-Napoca case study. Eastern Journal of European Studies11(1), 335–357.

Díaz-Soloaga, P. (2019). The role of communication in organizational culture. Is there a pattern in Spanish fashion companies? El Profesional de La Información28(5), 1–10.


Discussion Post 12

Topic: Why is it important to understand the organizational culture?

            Organizational culture is significant in that it influences the longevity and success of the business. Organizational culture is defined as shared values, beliefs, or perceptions held by employees within the organizational unit (Taylor et al., 2018). As a leader, it is vital to define the culture of the organization. In doing so, it creates good working relationships and promotes ethical communication amongst employees (Kumar, 2016). Collaboration is a vital component that assists in the, overall, betterment of the organization. This element motivates employees succeeding together. “Organizational Culture factor are important to establish a strong working environment, a better human relation which motivates employees to perform duties and put their maximum output towards achievement of organizational goal along with their personal objective”, (Kumar, 2016). Taylor et al. (2016) explained that organizational culture can enhance or hinder employee productivity. Obtaining a healthy work culture urges employees to cohesively achieve organizational goals (Kumar, 2016).

            One of the biggest dilemmas in leadership today is the ability for the designated individual to actually lead the team. An effective leader should utilize team building, team development, and team management approaches to assist in increasing cohesion in the workplace (Center for Creative Leadership, 2019). Most leaders appear to be more concerned with designating tasks, instead of building a unified work environment. In actuality, one of the benefits of team work is the increase of productiveness amongst the staff. “When work is divvied up among members of a team, it gets done faster, making the overall business operate more efficiently. Your team will develop a sense of comradery as you work toward a common goal” (Center for Creative Leadership, 2019). Employing a collaborative work environment can definitely aid in the increase of productivity, among the employees, within the organization. Employees will strive to achieve goals more, if they feel a sense of belonging within the company. This is why it is imperative or leaders to understand and establish organizational culture.

Center for Creative Leadership (2019). “The Top 6 Leadership Challenges Around the World”. Retrieved from, (Links to an external site.)

Kumar, A. (2016). Redefined and Importance of Organizational Culture. Global Journal of Management and Business Research: A Administration and Management, 16(4), 1-5.

Taylor, W. C., Suminski, R. R., Das, B. M., Paxton, R. J., & Craig, D. W. (2018). Organizational Culture and Implications for Workplace Interventions to Reduce Sitting Time Among Office-Based Workers: A Systematic Review. Frontiers in public health, 6, 263.

remote work

tell us about your professional journey and how your soft skills would make you a great remote team member

soft skills are:

Conflict Resolution






Strong Work Ethic



Critical Thinking


Attention to Detail

Time Management

Job Analysis Research Presentation

Job Analysis Research

In conducting a job analysis, there are two areas: (1) job-based and (2) person-based structure. For this assignment, identify the needed knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSAs); the tasks, duties, and responsibilities (TDRs); and any other specifics for a registered nurse’s position.

We will be using research efforts to complete the assignment. Refer to to identify and collect needed data/basic information about a registered nurse’s position. Utilize to the A-Z Index to access information on registered nurses.

Then, use the following website to create your own structure-based analysis: Follow the steps listed below for the website to access the needed information.

  1. Search
  2. Go to the Occupation Search section.
  3. Enter the keyword (registered nurse) or the O*NET-SOC code.
  4. Click the arrow.
  5. Identify/record code for registered nurses.
  6. Click Registered Nurses.
  7. View the report.
  8. Click the Custom tab at the top of the page. (Note: You will customize/select your own job analysis specifics based on the job and person-based specifics.)
  9. Check the appropriate boxes (see below for required information).
  10. Click GO.

Once the data is collected, complete an eight- to ten-slide PowerPoint presentation about the job-based and person-based structure needed for the registered nurse’s position.

The following information should be identified in the PowerPoint presentation:

  • education,
  • credentials,
  • KSAs,
  • tasks,
  • work activities and detailed work activities,
  • technology skills,
  • tools used,
  • wages, and
  • an explanation of what a job analysis is and its purpose.

As you create the content slides for your presentation, be sure to use the speaker notes function to explain the content in detail for each of the slides. Imagine you are presenting to your company leaders.

Note: Keep the 6×6 PowerPoint rule in mind (i.e., slides should only include six to seven lines of content with no more than six to seven words per line). Any illustrations should relate to the content being discussed. Be creative!

Include a title slide and references slide in your presentation; however, please keep in mind that these do not count toward meeting the minimum slide requirement.

Click here to access a tutorial on PowerPoint presentation best practices.


As you reflect on this week’s lecture, describe the learning process in your organization. Does it take into account the varying generations? What does it do to capture learning and knowledge? What can your organization do to ensure future learning? Respond to two classmates’ posts.

HR Issue Paper

HR Issues Papers (50%)

You will research and prepare two papers covering any two of the articles from the textbook that you don’t write discussion items for. Each paper will be worth a maximum of 25 points. The text of each paper (excluding the cover and reference pages) must be a minimum of five full pages and no longer than six pages in length and must be single-spaced (not 1.15, which is the default setting for recent versions of Word) and printed using Times New Roman, size 12 font, with 1.25 inch margins on the side and 1 inch margins on the top and bottom (Office 2003 default in Margin settings in Page Layout).  Also, please do not use any space saving techniques such as adding extra space between paragraphs (the first sentence of each paragraph should be indented and the After setting in Paragraph should be set at ‘0 pt’), using bulleted or numbered items, using sub-titles or footnotes, including diagrams or tables, or including your name/paper title at the top of any of the5-6 pages.  You will not receive full credit for a review that has more than a few grammatical errors.  Your grade on a paper will be reduced if you do not follow these technical requirements.  In addition, you must attach a cover page that includes the issue you have chosen and a page of references at the end of your paper (the cover page and reference page do not count toward the 5-6 page requirement).  You must use at least four references for the paper in addition to the textbook article that is the basis for your paper and none of the four references should be other articles from the textbooks.  No more than one page of the paper can be based on the textbook article.

In each paper, you should include your summary and analysis of the topic and your opinions regarding how an employer and, in particular, the HR function of the employer, should address the issue.  Please see the note regarding plagiarism in the class policies section of this syllabus.  Your papers should be submitted to me as Word attachments to either a Blackboard or email message.  Information in the text of your papers must be properly cited using the method that is used in Are You a Leader or a Laggard in the textbook.  Do not include any footnotes at the bottom of any of the 5-6 pages of your paper.  In preparing the papers you should avoid using more than three direct quotes and no quote should be longer than two sentences.  Following are the deadlines for the submission of your papers.  You do not have to wait until the deadlines to submit your papers.

Final Human Resources Project


Here are the guidelines for your next project. It will be completed in 3 phases.

The final paper must have 6 pages, APA format, 12 point, and double space. 

The company you selected is: Tesla

Phase 1:

1. Complete a job requisition for a position from one of the above companies. The requisition will include:


Name of requester:

Department or Work Team:

Position is Full-time or part-time:

Start Date:

Salary Range:

Purpose of hire: Explain the reason for the job (Seasonal, Contract or Permanent) 

2. Complete a job analysis for the selected position. Provide the Job description and job specification. (You can use Onet as a source)

Phase 2:

3. What channels will you use for reaching applicants? Provide detail steps for recruiting, provide at least 5 different channels sources, such as college job fair.

4. Select an Application Tracking System (ATS) that you would use and why?

5. What type of interviews will you perform? Write 10 questions that will be asked.

Phase 3: Final Paper

6. After the interview, what is the process and forms needed to finalize the offer?

7. Explain the onboarding process?

8. Complete a detailed training program for the new position. 



Leadership Development – Consolidated Products

Before beginning this assignment:

· Read the weekly assigned chapters and view the PowerPoint presentations.

· Read the case study titled “Consolidated Product,” located at the end of Chapter 2 of The Leadership Experience.

Consolidated Products is a medium-sized manufacturer of consumer products with nonunionized production workers. Ben Samuels was a plant manager for Consolidated Products for 10 years, and he was very well liked by the employees there. They were grateful for the fitness center he built for employees, and they enjoyed the social activities sponsored by the plant several times a year, including company picnics and holiday parties. He knew most of the workers by name, and he spent part of each day walking around the plant to visit with them and ask about their families or hobbies. Ben believed that it was important to treat employees properly so they would have a sense of loyalty to the company. He tried to avoid any layoffs when production demand was slack, figuring that the company could not afford to lose skilled workers that are so difficult to replace. The workers knew that if they had a special problem, Ben would try to help them. For example, when someone was injured but wanted to continue working, Ben found another job in the plant that the person could do despite having a disability. Ben believed that if you treat people right, they would do a good job for you without close supervision or prodding. Ben applied the same principle to his supervisors, and he mostly left them alone to run their departments as they saw fit. He did not set objectives and standards for the plant, and he never asked the supervisors to develop plans for improving productivity and product quality. Under Ben, the plant had the lowest turnover among the company’s five plants, but the second worst record for costs and production levels. When the company was acquired by another firm, Ben was asked to take early retirement, and Phil Jones was brought in to replace him. Phil had a growing reputation as a manager who could get things done, and he quickly began making changes. Costs were cut by trimming a number of activities such as the fitness center at the plant, company picnics and parties, and the human relations training programs for supervisors. Phil believed that human relations training was a waste of time; if employees don’t want to do the work, get rid of them and find somebody else who does. Supervisors were instructed to establish high performance standards for their departments and insist that people achieve them. A computer monitoring system was introduced so that the output of each worker could be checked closely against the standards. Phil told his supervisors to give any worker who had substandard performance one warning, and then if performance did not improve within two weeks to fire the person. Phil believed that workers don’t respect a supervisor who is weak and passive. When Phil observed a worker wasting time or making a mistake, he would reprimand the person right on the spot to set an example. Phil also checked closely on the performance of his supervisors. Demanding objectives were set for each department, and weekly meetings were held with each supervisor to review department performance. Finally, Phil insisted that supervisors check with him first before taking any significant actions that deviated from established plans and policies. As another cost-cutting move, Phil reduced the frequency of equipment maintenance, which required machines to be idled when they could be productive. Since the machines had a good record of reliable operation, Phil believed that the current maintenance schedule was excessive and was cutting into production. Finally, when business was slow for one of the product lines, Phil laid off workers rather than finding something else for them to do. By the end of Phil’s first year as plant manager, production costs were reduced by 20 percent and production output was up by 10 percent. However, three of his seven supervisors left to take other jobs, and turnover was also high among the machine operators. Some of the turnover was due to workers who were fired, but competent machine operators were also quitting, and it was becoming increasingly difficult to find any replacements for them. Finally, there was increasing talk of unionizing among the workers.

Write a 6–8 page paper in which you:

1. Describe the leadership style that Ben Samuels exhibited as the plant manager for Consolidated Products. Provide three examples of his leadership actions and behavior. Discuss the pros and cons in each example you describe to support the response.

2. Analyze the leadership style that Phil Jones exhibited as he took over to replace Ben. Provide three examples of his leadership actions and behavior, assessing the pros and cons in each example you describe to support the response.

3. Compare and contrast the leadership styles of Ben and Phil. Provide three examples of the similarities and differences between these leaders and discuss how each leader might address contemporary leadership issues and challenges in Israel today.

4. Discuss what you would do now with Phil, based on his performance. Discuss the pros and cons of your decision.

5. Use at least three quality resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar websites do not qualify as quality resources.

This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course.

The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:

· Determine the most appropriate leadership style in a project environment to manage the project effectively.


The warehouse personnel will benefit from a good onboarding program, which includes orientation training. The board of directors and vice president (VP) of human resources would like to review your plan for onboarding these new hires., research employee orientation programs, and develop an onboarding plan for the management team that covers the following:

  • Discuss the activities involved in a one day onboarding program for employee orientation including the following: 
    • The schedule of activities for one day including the time allotted for each training module.
    • A description of each training module.
    • The type of activity or media that will be used for each training module.
    • How you will determine the effectiveness of the onboarding program.. 
  • The content of the onboarding program may included the following examples:
    • Overview and introduction of the corporation and its industry. 
    • Employee Code of Conduct
    • Policies Regarding Federal Regulations, Contracts, and Intellectual Property
    • Benefits
    • Safety
    • Organizational culture
    • Other topics deemed necessary for employees. 

Provide a reference list at the end of your presentation of at least 5 References, and include in-text citations for the articles in APA format.