Please come to chat in detail and only HR experts reply anyone else trying to make a quick buck please ignore.
portfolio II
Attached is the “observation” material for Portfolio #2. Once again, after you’ve “done” them, select 3 values from them and write a full page on each of the three; then write a full page on what you think about these values. Due date will be November 11 (on Blackboard). Let me know ifi you have problems getting into the list!
“Changes in Human Resource Management (HRM) and Employment Law” Please respond to the following:
- Based on the assigned chapters this week, identify three (3) key changes that have advanced HR and provide a justification to support your selection.
- From this week’s assigned reading, choose one (1) historical government HR regulation enacted and elaborate on how this new mandate affected all stakeholders involved. Recall stakeholders in any industry, and cover those directly involved and their communities. Provide support for your rationale using the textbook or peer-reviewed outside resources.
Discussion 5
HR Knowledge 4: Performance Management / Appraisal
Thoroughly review the following video:
Based on your review, please respond to the following:
Specifically, focus on the elements of performance tools (there are 6 noted). Select any 3 of the elements as being the absolute elements that must be part of your performance tools if you are in charge of developing the performance management strategy. Be sure to explain why you selected your choices.
NOTE: You may not use more than 2 references for your response, and you must comment to a minimum of 1 other student’s response.
Benefits of a diverse workforce
What are some of the organizational benefits of attracting and retaining a culturally diverse workforce? How can diversity and multiculturalism support an organization’s talent management strategy? What policies would you develop as an HRM to ensure your organization achieves these benefits? Use the articles and resources provided to support your ideas.
- Component 1 (submitted in Week 2)
- Component 2 (submitted in Week 4)
- Component 3 (submitted in Week 5)
- Component 4 (submitted in Week 6)
- Component 5 (submitted in Week 7)
- Component 6 (submitted in Week 8)
- Component 7 (submitted in Week 9)
- Component 8
BUS 310: Human Resource Management
Three months ago, you decided to hire freelance workers because the company was overloaded by data processing work (due to the growth of the company). Today is the last Friday of the month and you have to process the invoices from the freelance workers. The freelance workers are doing an excellent job processing the invoices. The amount of hours used to complete the work, however, increases each month. Last month, the freelancers’ timesheets showed they spent an average of 18 hours to go through the data for one client. This month, the freelancers spent an average of 25 hours per account. This is troubling since it took in-house processing 5–7 hours to go through the data for one client. The most inexperienced employee on the team took nine hours to process one client’s account.
You discussed the situation with another manager and he suggested using a software program called EyeSpy that takes pictures of freelancers’ computer screens and records keystrokes and mouse clicks periodically throughout the day. At the end of each week, you can drill down by worker, examining their productivity to give you an accurate report of who is doing what while on the clock.
- Should the company be allowed to install the EyeSpy software to monitor performance? If not, what other suggestions do you have on finding out why there are variations in the freelancer’s timesheet?
- Is it legal for organizations to monitor the performance of the employees without telling them? Why or why not?
mgmt 3
2-3 page requirement
You have discussed various theories on effective leadership. This week, you will assess why good leaders fail and if these leadership theories support their failure.
Complete the following for this assignment:
Why do you think good leaders fail?
Which leadership theories support your reasoning about why good leaders fail?
Have you ever failed as a leader? If not, apply the question to a leader you personally know that failed in a leadership position.
Did the aforementioned reasons apply to this situation? Support your statements with appropriate scholarly references.
Criminal justice
Reply to Ashley Dunaway post
Judgmental and mechanical methods
Discuss judgmental and mechanical methods used to determine an overall performance rating. If you had to select which method to use in your organization, which would you choose and why?