• Daft, R. L. (2018). The leadership experience (7th ed.). Boston, MA: Cengage. 
    • Chapter 6, “Courage and Moral Leadership.” 
      • Leader’s Self-Insight 6.1: Ethical Maturity, page 172.
      • Leader’s Self-Insight 6.2: Your Servant Leadership Orientation, page 180.
      • Leader’s Self-Insight 6.3: Assess Your Moral Courage, page 184  

      Your leadership assessments this week focus on ethical maturity, servant leadership, and moral courage. Choose one of the assessments you completed this week to discuss. You will also go back to the role discussion you had in Week 1 to connect the assessment to the role you chose there. Once you have identified these two items, answer the following questions in your discussion:

  • Describe the role and the assessment you will be discussing.
  • How does the assessment you have chosen advise the effectiveness of the role you selected in Week 1?
  • How will you use this knowledge to advise your personal leadership? You will find this knowledge helpful as you identify your personal leadership statement for the assignment you will complete for Week 8.

Support your ideas with course concepts and ideas. Be explicit in your use of course material. Use APA style and format for in-text citations and references.


 Wooden on Leadership
In the current business world, team projects are commonplace. This assignment will use John Wooden’s Pyramid of Success, its different facets, how it relates to project management leadership, and how it is fulfilled in different circumstances. Visit John Wooden, Coach and Teacher to retrieve the information.
Write an 8–10 page paper in which you:

  1. Describe the extent to which John Wooden’s Pyramid of Success fits today’s business environment after reflecting on your own organization or one that you have observed. Provide three examples to support the response.
  2. Typify your leadership style and provide three examples of how your own temperament, motivation pattern, thinking styles, character, expectations, and leadership philosophy relate to or contrast with themes discussed in John Wooden’s Pyramid of Success.
  3. Analyze John Wooden’s Pyramid of Success and identify the aspects with which you agree and disagree. Provide a rationale for each aspect.
  4. Create a new Pyramid of Success model based on your analysis of John Wooden’s Pyramid of Success and provide a rationale for each aspect or step of this new model.
  5. Using either the coaching philosophy of John Wooden’s Pyramid of Success or your own newly designed Pyramid of Success model, develop a step-by-step strategy that self-directed project team members may use to adapt to any project-related crisis.
  6. Use at least four quality resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar websites do not qualify as quality resources.
  7. This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course.
    The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:
  • Develop a step-by-step strategy based on a pyramid of success model that project team members could use to adapt to any project-related crisis.
  1. By submitting this paper, you agree: (1) that you are submitting your paper to be used and stored as part of the SafeAssign™ services in accordance with the Blackboard Privacy Policy; (2) that your institution may use your paper in accordance with your institution’s policies; and (3) that your use of SafeAssign will be without recourse against Blackboard Inc. and its affiliates.


Instructions for Reaction Paper The Reaction Paper Assignment You will be writing a 1,000 word Reaction Paper in this course using the instructions and links found below. You will be completing the following tasks and gathering the following information for your paper: 1. Watch the epigenetics video from PBS. Begin your paper by defining epigenetics in your own words and discussing your reaction to the video. 2. Research and locate one article on epigenetics (select a study on research conducted on humans, not plants or insects) from a reputable academic source: Reputable Sources:  journal articles  government publications based on research Do not use:  magazines of any sort, whether they are on paper or online  Websites of any type, including epigenetics websites  Wikipedia How to Perform Your Research  Use the College Library in person or online (log in with your new MDC ID number (the one that is all numbers). Your password is the last four digits of that same MDC ID unless you have changed it. 3. Read the epigenetics article you find. Continue your paper with a discussion of the epigenetics article. Be sure to paraphrase (put things in your own words) and be sure to cite the author(s) of the article you find using APA style (see the section below on using APA style). Aim for about a page for this part of your paper. 4. Complete the Family History Questionnaire available in this folder. Discuss the concept of epigenesis in light of your family history. Aim for one page for this section of your paper. 5. Complete one of the Life Expectancy Questionnaires (there are two: the Blue Zones one is the preferred questionnaire; however, if it doesn’t provide you with the information, you may use thee Living to 100 Questionnaire. Integrate your findings on the questionnaire into your discussion. Aim for another page. 6. Discuss how you can improve your health and longevity in light of your findings in these questionnaires, your understanding of epigenetics, and your knowledge of your family history. This should be your final page. You can go over or under a page for any of the sections of the paper as long as your total paper is 1,000 words not counting the references. General Rules for an “A” Paper (check your paper against this list) ◻ 1,000 words ◻ Original work; plagiarism score of less than 10% (90% original work) ◻ Double-spaced, 12-point font, 1-inch margins ◻ Covers all 6 tasks ◻ Spellchecked ◻ College-level grammar ◻ Cite your article APA style. ◻ No abstract, no cover ◻ Place your name and reference number on the first page. Use page numbers.  Submit the paper by the deadline in the Syllabus Quick Links section and also in the Calendar. The box will open at the beginning of the semester so that you have time to submit your paper, review the originality report, and resubmit your paper if necessary until you have a plagiarism score of under 10%. Be sure to use the Turnitin Grammar Checker to ensure that your paper is well written and ensure that you have spellchecked everything. If you resubmit your paper, note that it takes 24 hours for your new score to show up in the Turnitin Drop Box. Submission to Turnitin Drop Box The Turnitin Drop Box is in Blackboard. You do NOT have to go to Turnitin to submit your paper. Turnitin is a plagiarism checking software. It checks to see if your work is original. I have set the Turnitin Drop Box so you can submit your paper as many times as you want until the due date. That will allow you to check your plagiarism score and see where your work is not original. You can then rephrase that section and put it into your own words. The expectation in this course is that your paper scores no more than 10% in plagiarism. You will be able to resubmit your paper as many times as you need to in order to get it right until the Due Date. You will NOT be able to resubmit after the Due Date. Note that it takes 24 hours to see your new plagiarism score after resubmission. No more than 2 or 3 quotes in the entire paper, please. Avoiding Plagiarism You must be careful not to copy someone else’s ideas and not to copy and paste ideas from the sources you find. Copying and pasting from someone else’s work is considered plagiarism. You may use other people’s ideas, but you have to put them in your own words and reference the source. Putting things in your own words is called “paraphrasing.” And you must put the reference right after the idea. Needless to say, submitting plagiarized papers, including those copied from one of the Web sites that have “free” papers or even papers you can buy, will result in a penalty. That penalty in this course is that your grade will be reduced by the percentage of plagiarism over 10%. In other words, the less plagiarism, the higher your score; the more plagiarism, the lower your score. The paper is worth 10% of your grade in this course. Don’t risk it! APA Style and References One thing you will need to do in college is learn how to find and use references. References support your ideas. College-level work must be supported by research. You are expected to do that for this paper. You will research, locate, and use one reputable source from the literature on the topic of epigenetics/epigenesis. The “literature” is composed of studies that have been conducted in a scholarly way to support ideas. Scholarly sources can be found in journals or in some Web sites, especially those that come from .edu domains (.edu is short for “educational” Web sites) or .gov domains (.gov are government sites). The College Libraries have dozens of good journals you can use. You will be using the College Library for this paper. You may do the research in person or use the Web to access our library. See your librarian for more information on finding credible sources. In APA style, you cite a source in two places: within the body of the paper where you use the idea or words of the author of the paper; and again in the Reference List at the end of the paper. For example, you might say, “According to Researcher A (2011)…epigenetics is…” What you must do is supply the researcher’s name within a sentence or at the end of a sentence in parenthesis (Researcher A, 2011). Then you give the full information for locating the study in the Reference List. That’s what Reference Lists are for: they allow the person reading your paper to look up your source if they want to. So remember, citing references APA style, requires two things: 1) that you cite the reference within the body of the paper, and 2) that you list the full reference at the end in the Reference List. APA Tutorial There are multiple tutorials and other training sources on APA style at the APA Web site. You do NOT have to buy the APA Manual to do this paper. References  American Psychological Association (2011). APA style. Retrieved from

Urgent DUE IN 5hrs: 500 words Leadership Discussion

 Discussion topics include:

  1. Defining Global Leadership
  2. Key traits for leaders
  3. Knowledge Creation and Transfer
  4. Culture and leaders

Assignments for Week 2 include:

  1. Read: Chapter 8 Mendenhall et al.
  2. Discussion Post 1

Lecture Notes:

To create knowledge, it may take an international assignment (expatriates) and the sharing of personal experiences. The assignment can be assigned from the organization to allow the right person to be stationed overseas for a certain amount of time. The sharing of the knowledge also known as the transfer knowledge, obliges the firm to create opportunities for the person to share personal experiences through a formal sharing tool. The organization must provide this individual to use what they have learned from this experience.

Steps to turn to Knowledge:

  1. Socialization-joining a group
  2. Articulation- Conversations in a team
  3. Combination- Creating or using existing concepts/ideas
  4. Internationalization- learning by doing

Week Two Discussion Questions (due by Thursday) 

Note: Please type the question and then the answer which should be about 250 words for each question. 

As we explore the need for knowledge building, several impending challenges emerge. Considering your readings and experiences, as a leader think about the following: 

Discussion Question:

1.What may possibly become challenges to knowledge building and sharing? 

2.How can these be overcome?

Week 6


Working individually, students should complete the questions per the list assigned.

Prepare responses to the questions below after viewing one of the following case studies:

  • p. 636 #2: Negotiating Pandas at the SD Zoo

Follow the questions as written in the text to frame your response.

The paper should be a minimum of 3 to 4 pages. Title page and reference page with 3-5 references are required. References are encouraged to be authored. In-text citations must match the references. Incorporate responses from the text as we have covered the last weeks together in additional to your other selected sources.

Human Resource Management

Discuss the following statement: “Health care costs are out of control in the United States, and increasing conflicts between employers and employees are likely as employers try to reduce their health benefits costs. in 600 Words

week 1_ Discussion

Portion 1- Due Today by 9PM


Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words: 

  • What are the product design philosophies behind industrial design and design for manufacture and assembly? Which one do you think is more important in customer-focused product development?
  • Provide an example of customer focused product development in your organization or an organization you have researched
  • Provide an example of a successful or unsuccessful introduction of a new product and an evaluation of its specific development process.

Portion 2 ( Due Tomorrow) 

Reply to 2 classmates.

**Classmate Responses Attached***

Word Counts:

175- reply to post

125 Per reply (2 replies) = 250 

Assignment 1: Job Description

Job i would like to move into “Principal of Middle School”

I have sent the teachers tips/need introduction and conclusion

Assignment instructions

chapters 4, 5

Powerpoint 4, 5 

please use book reference has one of your references and need at least 4 references


Required Resources

Noe, R. A., Hollenbeck, J. R., Gerhart, B., & Wright, P. M. (2018). Fundamentals of human resource management (7th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.

Bullet Proof Vest – Getting Your Product into the Hands of Consumers

It is time to determine how to make your product or service available to the consumer. Using your readings and at least one article from the Trident Online Library’s full-text databases (such as Academic Search Complete, Business Source Complete and/or ProQuest Central), develop a distribution system.

Channel Levels
Select either direct versus indirect distribution by writing about the pros and cons of both methods. (Research support is required)

Needs of Target Market
Analyze your target market’s needs. Explain what you know about your target market and what they want from a channel of distribution. (Research support is required)

Digital Commerce
Is your product/service conducive to digital distribution? You may wish to research a competitive product or service to see if it has a strong digital presence. Or you can engage in general research about going digital. (Research support is required.)

Since you are engaging in research, be sure to cite and reference the sources in APA format. The paper should be written in third person; this means words like “I,” “we,” and “you” are not appropriate. For more information see Differences Between First and Third Person.

See the Student Guide to Writing a High-Quality Academic Paper, including pages 13-14 on in-text citations. Another resource is the “Writing Style Guide,” which is found under “My Resources” on the TLC portal. All research should be cited in the body of the paper. In-text citations and corresponding references should be included in your paper. The use of direct quotes is strongly discouraged.

Use the attached APA-formatted template (MKT301 Case2) to create your submission.

Paper must be 2 1/2 pages not including cover page and reference page