Bus 407

 Week 7 Discussion

  • From the scenario, outline a plan for a one-day training program that follows the Experiential Learning Model.
  • Go to the Association for Talent Development and locate a training or conference in which you are interested. Examine the training objectives that led to the implementation of the training or conference you have chosen. Then, develop a brief overview for a new training package to develop the same training objective.

The Genesis of Labor Unions; The Teamsters

Using the thesis that has been written (see below).

Need a 2 page (Title and reference page not included) on the Topic above. Discussing the origin of “Teamsters” union and the direction this union is going. Discuss how the Teamsters union has supported it’s members and how the it has continue to rise.

– APA Edition 7 format

– 2 references 


The origin of labor unions as an organized enterprise fighting for worker’s rights has been somewhat turbulent from colonial times. The seemingly genuine and rational concept of advocating for safer working conditions and better remuneration was not enough to unite a working-class with not prevailing ideology of solidarity at the time (Reynolds, 1984). However, with the changing of the economic landscape and labor markets in the 1930s, a series of significant labor legislation favoring unionists provided the ideal framework for the union’s resurgence and growth, now with government endorsement (Sloane & Witney, 2010, p. 64). While Some may argue that the Teamsters’ connection to corruption and bad actors is the main reason for their existence, Teamsters’ success came from its “inventiveness” and energy (Orenic, 2018, p. 49). For over a century, this union has found ways to adapt to the ever-changing labor force. It could be argued upon that Teamsters addition of women and African-American workforce members, propelled them into the national stage (Orenic, 2018, p. 49). For over a century, Teamsters have survived as a labor union with mostly blue-collar workers and continued leadership. 


Philosophy of Leadership (Democratic Leadership)

 Identify and define your personal philosophy of leadership.You must cite your sources and provide references. The most common place this would be is in Personal Philosophy of Leadership Essay. So, if in your essay or anywhere in your assignment) you write that you identify with “Democratic Leadership because…..” then go on to define it, you will need an in-text citation and a reference page. Another example is if you write, “Democratic Leadership  is one of the most effective leadership styles because it allows lower-level employees to exercise authority they’ll need to use wisely in future positions they might hold. It also resembles how decisions can be made in company board meetings.” You will need an in-text citation and reference page. 

12 point font, double spaced, 1 page length

Discussion Question 5-2

Discussion Question 5-2 (50 points)

The Johnston Manufacturing Company, home-based in Atlanta, Georgia, has just opened a new division in Birmingham, Alabama. They have completed their recruitment and are now ready to assess their chosen candidates. First, they must review their current assessment methods to determine if they are up-to-date. Some HR employees are wondering why go to all the trouble of sometimes costly and time-consuming assessments when there are no guarantees they will result in a successful hire. The HR Director will need a cogent response to this potential objection. Then, they need to decide whether they will use structured or unstructured interviews and to what extent they will research applicants’ backgrounds. Answer the following questions related to their assessment of candidates:

1. When should employers reassess the assessment methods they use in hiring?

2. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of both structured and unstructured interviews. Which would you prefer to use? Why?

3. Why go to all the trouble of sometimes costly and time-consuming assessments when there are no guarantees they will result in a successful hire?

4. Do you think that it is appropriate for employers to research applicants’ backgrounds? What about credit histories? Substantiate your answer.



Communication Skills – E Portfolio

Hide Assignment InformationInstructions

E-Portfolio (20 points) – Outcome 1 – Due: Tues. July 14 by 11:59pm

This e-portfolio assessment is designed to be used as both a learning tool and as a professional portfolio that you can include in your resume or applications for jobs. You want to begin developing your portfolio ideas during Week 3, even though it is not due until Week 8. In this assignment you are asked to choose any three of the four HRMN 302 course outcomes and reflect on your learning in our class.

There are two distinct parts to this assignment. The first is your reflective ideas about your learning for three of the four course goals. The second is the actual creation of the E-portfolio on the Google Site. There is a partially completed portfolio provided for you at the very end of these instructions.

For directions on how to create an E-portfolio/Google Site go to url https://goo.gl/pIMkbu

The four course outcomes for HRMN 302 are:

  1. Apply appropriate communication media and methods to various situational needs in organizational settings.
  2. Apply communication theories to organizational communication challenges.
  3. Recognize and respond constructively to cultural differences in communication.
  4. Analyze and assess the communication dynamics of an organization through the completion of a communication audit.

Once your portfolio site is created, follow the specific instructions below.

Begin with an Introduction page, develop at least one page for each of the three outcomes you’ve selected. Be sure to include a Reference page at the end.

You will have a minimum of 5 pages. 

On each outcome page:

  • Provide the specific course outcome you’ve selected.
  • Explain in your own words and 1-2 paragraphs how each outcome relates to what you have learned in class.
  • Post one artifact for each outcome (video, paper, chart, or any type of file you wish to use) and that demonstrates your mastery of each outcome. NOTE: the artifacts do not have to be newly created. You can use work you’ve developed previously.
  • Explain, in detailed sentences and approx. 2-3 paragraphs how each artifact relates to the course outcome.

Here is an example of a partially completed portfolio:


To Submit Your E-Portfolio for Grading:

Copy and paste your E-Portfolio url into a word document. Then post your 1 page word document to the assignment folder Communication Skills- E Portfolio 

Due DateJul 14, 2020 11:59 PMHide Rubrics

Rubric Name: Communication Skills E-Portfolio

This table lists criteria and criteria group name in the first column. The first row lists level names and includes scores if the rubric uses a numeric scoring method.CriteriaMissing0 pointsBeginning4 pointsDeveloping4.667 pointsAccomplished5.334 pointsExemplary6.6667 pointsCriterion ScoreThree outcomes


The portfolio is missing three or more of the following:
course outcome 1, 2, or 3, one page for each outcome, an introduction
with the students name, citations

The portfolio is missing two of the following: course
outcome 1, 2, or 3, one page for each
outcome, an introduction with the students name, citations

The portfolio is missing one of the following: course
outcome 1, 2 or 3, one page for each outcome, an introduction with the students name, citations

Portfolio includes: three course outcomes, one
page for each outcome, an introduction with a title and student’s name, citations

/ 6.6667Content addresses the outcome


Portfolio is missing written content to explain each of the three outcomes or uses artifacts that do
not relate to the outcomes.

Portfolio content needs some clarification and a better
approach. Written details are provided. Content may be in a list and missing details to explain.

Portfolio features some discussion of key summary points, but requires some minor clarification. page content is not as logical or professionally presented as it should be

Portfolio provides details to fully describe the outcome as it relates to what was learned in class. content and format are logical and professional; appropriate amount of information is presented on each page

/ 6.6667Mechanics


Presentation has 4 or more typographical or grammatical errors; errors detract from the overall message

Presentation has three or less typographical or grammatical errors; errors do not detract from the overall message

There may be some errors in the amount of information presented on each slide; presentation
includes two typographical errors at most

There are no grammatical errors; proper formatting
is used throughout the presentation

/ 6.6667

quick answer

How easy is it to access the Internet in your community? Do you agree or disagree with the idea that the Internet should be equally available to all members of the public? Why? What contributions might net neutrality have to our culture and democracy? How has the control of information on the Internet been managed in other countries? 

175 words 

socw 6456 assignment

77For your Final Project, you will write a 8- to 10-page theory paper that articulates your theoretical orientation toward working with couples and families.

Your paper must include the following elements that evolve from your personal theoretical orientation:

  • The basic view of human nature as seen through your theoretical lens
  • Key factors that account for changes in behavior
  • An explanation of how intervention strategies are designed within this theoretical orientation
  • An explanation of how your theory conceptualizes mental health
  • Key factors that contribute to healthy family/couple relationships
  • A description of the skills necessary within this theoretical orientation to meet the agreed upon goals and outcomes for couples and families
  • The nature of the practitioner-client relationship and its relative importance
  • An explanation of the evidence to support your theoretical orientation as an appropriate intervention for couples and families in need.

Information on scholarly writing may be found in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed.), and at the Walden Writing Center website.



Discuss what you consider to be the three most important variables that impact the transformation process, and explain your reasoning. Possible variables include but are not limited to the following:

  • Leadership      
  • Trust 
  • Capacity to change 
  • Organizational culture