*********** JUST 150-200 WORDS********

 IN THE BOOK OF History of Modern Art

In Chapter 18 of your text, you met Armand (Arman) Fernández (1928-2005), a performance artist of the Nouveau Réalisme (New Realism) movement. To prepare for this discussion:

  • Read “Arman,” pages 448-449. 
  • View Long-Term Parking, 1982 pictured upper left and in Figure 18.10 on page 449.

Please respond to the following in a post of 150 to 200 words:  

Compare/contrast Arman’s Long-Term Parking, 1982 with the image of cars in an elevated parking ramp (circa 2020) pictured upper right in light of Arman’s comments on the waste inherent in contemporary consumerism.  

In your response, consider these questions: 

  • What thoughts come to your mind concerning our role as consumers in a consumer world? 
  • What message do you think Arman hoped to convey in Long-Term Parking, 1982? 
  • In your opinion, how does the idea of consumers parking their cars in an elevated parking ramp capture Oscar Wilde’s famous quote: “Life imitates art?”

Labor relations and competitive bargaining


Prepare an essay response at least one page in length that answers the following questions:

  • What is the European Union’s Social Charter?
  • Why is it important for U.S. firms dealing with European unions to be aware of this?

Sources should be less than Five years old

HCS/341: Wk 1 DQ

 APA format

At least 1 APA reference

Write a 175- to 265-word response to the following questions:

  • Why is human resources in the health care industry just as important as it is in other industries? Provide an example.  

PAD 540 Week 6


  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of regional human rights approaches? Do you think regional approaches ultimately help or hinder human rights enforcement?



Of all of the different types of essay types (comparison/contrast, persuasive, argumentative, and division) which type do you prefer to write? Why? Which is the type you least prefer to write? Why?

2 Pages

APA format

Module 02 project – Outline


Your initial outline for your course project paper is due this module. Prepare a 1-2-page document that outlines how you will organize your course project paper. Your outline will be the skeleton from which you will write your project. Your outline should contain an idea for your introduction (the full introduction will be created in Module 03) and at least 3 headings for sections  that explain and analyze how technology has been used to improve healthcare delivery and information management for your selected topic (from Module 1), as well as implications, challenges, risks, and opportunities. You may use any standard outline format. Be sure to use correct grammar and spelling. My course project is on Radiology. 

Click here to find out “What does a good outline look like?”: https://rasmussen.libanswers.com/faq/32339

O Net

The O*Net Exercise Step by Step ➢ The website, www.onetonline.org is the result of years of extensive data collection by the Department of Labor. It contains a wealth of information that HRM professionals can and should use on a regular basis. ➢ One piece of the O*Net project is a career-matching exercise. This career-matching exercise is based heavily on the Vocational Theory developed by John Holland. ➢ According to Holland, people are dominated by one of six personalities. These six have been labeled: o Realistic o Investigative o Artistic o Social o Enterprising o Conventional ➢ According to Holland, occupations also possess one of the six personalities. In other words, occupations can also be measured and classified as Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising, and Conventional. ➢ Holland’s entire theory is therefore based on a simple concept. The better that an occupation’s personality matches a person’s personality, the more satisfied that person will be within that occupation. For example, IF I am an investigative personality, then I will be well-suited to investigative occupations, and so on. ➢ Most of us cannot, however, be described by just one of the six personalities. Thus, we need to determine each person’s PATTERN among the six. ➢ The Interest Profiler contained in the O*Net pages was designed to do precisely that. It measures (if you fill it out honestly) your pattern of personality types. ➢ Then, years of data collection have classified literally hundreds of occupations based on each of their pattern of personalities. ➢ Completing the exercise will provide you with your pattern and it will provide you a rather lengthy list of occupations whose personalities fit well with your pattern. ➢ To get to the point of knowing your pattern and knowing what occupations might be a good fit, follow the step by step directions that I’ve provided here: 1. Go to www.onetonline.org 2. Click on the link titled “find it now” which can be found on the right hand side of the page under “I want to be a …” 3. This link will take you to “My Next Move: What do you want to do for a living?” Click on the “tell us what you like to do” START button located on the right hand side of the page. 4. You should now be at the home page of the O*Net Interest Profiler. The directions for using the profiler are very easy to follow. If you follow its directions, you will end up responding to 60 questions that ask you what you’d like and what you’d not like doing. 5. When you have responded to all 60 questions, you will be shown your Profile. The profile will be comprised of six scores, one for each of the six personality types. PLEASE NOTE: You can also get additional information about each of the personality types by clicking on its corresponding name that is located on your Profile page. 6. Next, you will have to select a “Job Zone”. Information about each of the five zones is also provided. In a nutshell, the zones range from (1) doesn’t require a lot of education and training up to (5) requires extensive preparation. My guess is that most of you will end up choosing either zone 4 or zone 5, but not necessarily. 7. Once you have chosen a Job Zone, you will be provided a typically long list of possible occupations to consider. The list is based on how well an occupation matches your personality pattern. 8. In the example that I’ve posted along with this supplement (O*Net Exercise Sample Pages), I chose “Wind Energy Engineers”…..purely as an example. 9. If you click on the name of the occupation, you will be taken to a page that summarizes information about the occupation. This page tells you what wind engineers do; it gives a brief summary of the KSA’s necessary; it tells you what the educational requirements are for the occupation; and it gives you a “Job Outlook” estimate of salary and growth. 10. Don’t stop now. I repeat, don’t stop now. This is just a summary. 11. At the bottom of this summary page, you will find a hyperlink titled, “See more details at O*Net Online about wind energy engineers”. Click on this hyperlink and you should be amazed at the information about wind energy engineers that O*Net contains. It is extensive to say the least.


Imagine that you are a candidate for a position as a healthcare leader, and you have been asked to provide the board of directors with information regarding how you intend to build and maintain relationships with your organization’s internal and external stakeholders. Using the information in your textbook readings and at least one additional outside source, compose an essay consisting of at least two pages in which you do the following. Identify the needs of internal and external stakeholders within the organization. Determine and write about at least three methods for building and maintaining relationships with these stakeholders. Keep in mind that some of these stakeholders may come from different economic, social, or cultural backgrounds. You should use at least two sources. All resources used should be cited and referenced properly using APA formatting.

Ledlow, G. R., & Stephens, J. H. (2018). Leadership for health professionals: Theory, skills, and applications (3rd ed.)