This is a discussion not a paper!!!


Select and READ one of the following case studies (located in your textbook):


Next, analyze the case and provide an overview of key points or discussions. An overview is not a detailed description or regurgitated statements from the case, but instead key points in the caseThen, make 2 recommendations for improvements for any parts of the case (think like an HR leader). Saying that someone should have did this, or what you would have done are not considered improvements.


  • One to three small sentence-responses for analyzing the cases are not considered substantive.
  • You may only have no more than 3 references for your response and each must be appropriately cited in the words.
  • You may not copy and paste any part of another student’s response as part of your response.
  • For this course, you must comment to a minimum of 1 other student’s response…No Exceptions!
  • Although not mandatory, you are strongly encouraged to make your initial post by Wednesday of each week so that you have plenty of time to respond to your classmates.

here is an example of one of the cases. 14-2 

My discussion question response is on Case 14-2 and right off the bat, Tymony was in the wrong here.  He not only expressed anger towards Mr. Yang, he also exhibited violence including personal assault and damage to property.  The company was right in firing Mr. Tymony because he broke the company’s mission statement and its “core values.”  Mr. Tymony physically attacked Mr. Yang, exhibiting workplace violence and the company having a responsibility in keeping their employees safe, Mr. Tymony was rightfully terminated (1, Lussier).

However, Mr. Yang was wrongfully terminated after Mr. Tymony assaulted him and Mr. Yang did not reciprocate, and was therefore an innocent victim in this incident.  According to Tomlinson and Bockanic, “courts and legislators are recognizing the inequality of bargaining power between employe and employee and that the inability of employees to protect themselves from unjust actgions by their employers had not just economic ramification, but also emotion and social ramifications” (2, Tomlinson and Bockanic).  As a result of these findings, it appears the at-will doctrine is disappearing and employers will have to justify employee terminations.

Though Mr. Yang and Mr. Tymony had several public incidents, Mr. Yang was doing nothing against company policy and it doesn’t appear that he did anything to warrant Mr. Tymony’s behavior.  It appears Mr. Tymony allowed minor things affect his demeanor which lead to the incident.  In order to right this wrong termination of Mr. Yang, the company should have fully investigated this situation and dealt with Mr. Tymony’s anger issues and derogatory language/outbursts to try and prevent the assault from happening.  The men should have been separated immediately, keeping them apart and not sharing the same cubicle space.

1.  Lussier, Robert.  (2019).  Human Resource Management:  Functions, Applications, and Skill Development (3rd ed).
     SAGE Publications, Inc.

2.  Tomlinson, E. C. and Bockanic, W. N.  (2009).  Avoiding Liability for Wrongful Termination:  “Ready, Aim,…Fire!”
     Employ Respons Rights J (2009) 21:77-87, DOI10.1007/s10672-008-9068-0.

here is an example of another case 15-1 


Lussier (2019 p 542). defines “ethics as a reflection on morality that is a reflection on what constitutes right or wrong. Also, Lussier (2019 p 542) mentions that ethics is the principles, values, and beliefs that define right and wrong decisions and behavior. “

Case 15-1 is about how benefits could be for a person becoming a chief executive officer (CEO). According to the case study, a CEO may earn three times more than the employees working for the same organization. One of the highlights of salary, in this case, is that a CEO position can increase salary by 6%, but workers could only increase 2% (Lussier 2019 p 567). Moreover, Lussier (2019 p 567) states that it has seemed that employees in 2016 are paid less than people who worked in 1967 by 10%. However, the focus on the case is how is possible or ethics that even in the U.S. reception, a CEO can have high compensation packages and salaries. Understanding that a CEO is the head of an organization, I consider unethical that CEO salary increases and employees’ wages cannot increase. My argument is based on the fact that ethics is applying a set of values and principles to make the right, or good, choice. A CEO that allows insufficient compensation for employee’s salary, but negotiates the best for him, needs moral development. 

The case study included recommendations such as cut CEO salaries, regulating salaries increases, and tied compensation and salary to organization performance. I recommended taking inflation into account for every employee in an organization. Also, I highly recommend the implementation codes of ethics where salary increases are established. Finally, an organization must integrate values in its culture, principles to all situations, treat all employees fairly, and manage support by example.


Lussier, R. (2019). Human Resource Management: Functions, Applications, and Skill Development (3rd ed.). SAGE Publications, Inc. Retrieved from:!/4/2/8/4@0:90.2


Communication Audit


Communication Audit Presentation (30 points) Outcomes 2 and 4 

What are the communication challenges organizations face today? Once they are identified, how
does an organization overcome these challenges and improve their communication flow? In this
three-part assignment, you will first conduct a communication audit to assess organizational
communication within an organization of your choice. A communication audit is a method of
research that reveals how your stakeholders view your organization’s communication methods
and effectiveness. We will provide you with a survey (below) that you will use to measure this
perception, and you will administer it in your organization.
You will then analyze and synthesize the results of the data obtained from your audit efforts and
select one critical communication challenge in your organization, conduct research and develop
suggestions   for   addressing   that   specific   communication   challenge.   Last,   you   will   present   the
result of your audit, your research, and suggestions for improvement in a presentation.
Your goals:

Administer the communication audit in your organization. This should be an organization
you work for or have access to such as a school or church organization.

Analyze and synthesize the results of the data from the communication audit.

Based  on the   communication  audit   identify   one critical   communication   challenge  that
needs to be addressed within your organization.

Create and deliver a presentation that provides the results of your audit with suggestions
for   improvement   based   on   the   data   obtained   from   the   audit   and   the   literature   on
organizational communication.
Assume you are the Director of Human Resources at your chosen organization. You are tasked
with conducting a communication audit and presenting the results to leadership. Your goal in
conducting the communication audit is to identify one main communication challenge within an
organization that needs to be addressed.
You will complete the following tasks:
Conduct a communication audit using the Communication Audit Survey located below. In order
to obtain valid results, you want to survey between 8 to 10 people.
You may print out the survey and distribute it in person for completion, or you may administer it
online, for example, using SurveyMonkey or Google Form.
The survey includes questions that tap six different areas of organizational communication: (1)
Receiving   information   from   others,   (2)   Sending   information   to   others,   (3)   Following   up   on
information,   (4)   Sources   of   information,   (5)   Timeliness   of   information,   and   (6)   Channels   of
communication.   Within   these   six   areas   of   organizational   communication,   identify   one   major
issue in one area to address based on the responses from the survey.

Finally, research the scholarly literature for recommendations about how the organization can
address this issue.
Communicate the results of the Communication Audit by developing a presentation, using APA
format.   Include   a   title   slide   with   your   project   title   (e.g.,   “Communication   Audit”),   the
organization’s name, your name, class, instructor, and date.
Present  an introduction  that  describes  your research methodology  and provides  details  of the
survey   administration,   response   rate,   and   characteristics   of   the   survey   population.   Develop   a
professionally-written narrative in which you describe the data using appropriate tables, charts,
and   graphs.   Include   a   detailed   analysis   followed   by   a   summary   of   your   findings,   using   the
example   in   the   “Collecting   and   Analyzing   Data”   file   in   the   content   area.   Identify   the   top
communication  challenge  from your survey, and present your recommendations  to strengthen
this   communication   challenge,   based   on  the   scholarly   literature.   In   the   appendix,   present   the
survey questions and the number of responses for each question.
Your presentation should be professional and creative. Adding audio and/or visual elements on
the   slides   is   highly   recommended.   Text   should   be   the   proper   size   for   viewing   during   a
presentation. Your presentation will need title and citation slides. You must have a minimum of
3 reliable sources in your citations. Use APA format for the  in-text citations you use to support
your arguments. Don’t forget to check your spelling! As a friendly reminder, all words must be yours and your own typing. You may not copy text directly from a source.

You may use presentation software of your choice. Examples include (but are not limited
       Powerpoint with audio recording
       Google Docs- presentation

Your presentation software should not incur any costs. You are responsible
for understanding how to use the software. You will need to submit your work in a format that
can be easily opened by your colleagues and the instructor.
** Be sure to review the rubric for grading criteria before you begin working on and submitting
this assignment**

Communicate the results of the Communication Audit by developing a presentation,
APA   format.   Include   a   title
slide   with   your   project   title   (e.g.,   “Communication   Audit”),   the
organization’s name, your name, class, instructor, and date.
Present   an  
that   describes   your   research   methodology,   providing   details   of   the
survey administration, response rate, and characteristics of the survey population. Clearly present
to describe the data using appropriate tables, charts, and graphs. Include a detailed
followed by your findings. Identify the top communication challenge from your survey,
and present your  
 to strengthen this communication challenge, based on the
scholarly literature. In the
, present the survey questions and the number of responses
for each question.
Your presentation should be professional and creative. Adding audio
visual elements
the   slides   is   highly   recommended.   Text   should   be   the   proper   size   for   viewing   during   a
Your presentation will need title and citation slides. You must have a minimum of
3 reliable sources in your citations. Use APA format for your citations.
Don’t forget to check
your spelling!

As a friendly reminder, all words must be yours and your own typing. You may
not copy text directly from a source.

You may use presentation software of your choice. Examples include (but are not limited to):


Powerpoint with audio


Google Docs- presentation



Your presentation software should not incur any costs. You are responsible for understanding how to use the software. You will need to submit your work in a format that can be easily opened by your colleagues and the instructor

manage technology and innovation


This assessment addresses the following course objective(s):

  • Examine theories of effective business responses to innovation across disciplines.

Find an article that provides guidelines for managers on how to manage technology and innovation. What do you think of the advice?

Apply that advice to a different industry. Does it apply?  For example, if your guideline was for healthcare, would it apply to manufacturing?  Why or why not?

This paper should be a minimum of 500 words, at least two pages, and follow APA Style requirements (i.e., cover page, in-text citations, and a reference page).  Please use a minimum of 2 references for this assignment; please avoid ‘crowd-sourced’ material from Wikipedia,, and others. 

Due Tuesday by 2 pm

Discussion 1

Please follow directions and answer all questions!!

Consider the following scenario: 

  Mr. Dunn, the director of a local mental health center has recently completed certification in EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) a model used to treat trauma victims. The treatment theory is based on simulating REM sleep while the client is awake, by having the client think about the traumatic while following counselor’s hand motions. After several treatments, the client becomes desensitized to the traumatic event. This approach was developed in the 1990s and is still in use today. Contemporary studies show that the approach does seem to help victims’ process trauma.

        Mr. Dunn is so excited about EMDR that he has decided to use this treatment method in clients who struggle with anger management 

Address the following in your discussion: 

  • Is Mr. Dunn’s decision to adapt EMDR to anger management treatment a good idea? Why or why not?
  • From a research perspective what factors should Mr. Dunn consider before employing a new treatment model?
  • Be specific. Give examples.

Discussion 2

Consider the following scenario: 

  You work for a local human service agency that monitors parolees on house confinement and other individuals who are court ordered to wear ankle-monitors. More recently you read an article in the local paper that cites data indicating that violent crimes have increased 5% in the last 6 months. Anticipating more clients enrolled in your program, you put in a request to fund two full-time case manager positions at your agency. 

Address the following in your discussion post:

Based on the data provided in the local newspaper article, are the two additional full-time positions warranted? Using research critical thinking skills discuss what information you have versus what information is needed to determine whether the hiring of two full-time case managers is justified. Be specific. Give examples. 

Discussion 1 and 2

Discussion 1: What if you could save five lives in a way that results in the death of a single person? If the overall consequences were the same, would it matter if you were intentionally harming that person or not? This problem is raised by the philosopher Philippa Foot (2002c) in her famous “trolley problem.”

Discussion 2:  One way to conceptualize utilitarianism is to hold that the morally required thing to do is to increase the intrinsic good in the world. Trigg is doing just that. But is he going far enough? 

If one is morally obligated to maximize the good in the world when should he stop? Should Trigg and the rest of us give all of our income to save the poor – right up to the point of being poor ourselves? 

human resource management

find a research article from a reputable peer-reviewed journal in the field of psychology. Share the article in your post and include the following information about it:

  • What was the purpose of the study?
  • What methods did the researchers use to address the study’s research questions? Were these methods qualitative, quantitative, or mixed?
  • What are the key findings from the study?
  • Share one thing that interested you most about this study.

250 CHPT4 ACT1

To supplement learning about confidentiality, provide an example of a confidentiality form from a local agency (or perhaps the college campus counseling center).



Module 4: Discussion Forum

22 unread replies.22 replies.

Compensation is a controversial workplace topic. Throughout the years, specifically the past decade, average employee wages have not greatly risen. However, managerial and executive pay has steadily increased.

Despite current economic stability and low unemployment rates, U.S. businesses are constrained from raising employee salary and benefits due to low-wage foreign competition.  This week’s readings showcase a case study on pay compression at Envelop City and on how McDonalds uses praise (intrinsic factor) and individual incentive pay (extrinsic factor) to ensure satisfied and happy employees.

Discuss how an organization can motivate its employees to maintain/increase their productivity and performance without significantly increasing employees’ compensation.  Additionally, as a compensation consultant, how would you develop market value for positions within your organization? Propose a compensation plan to ensure that rewards (i.e., wages, benefits, and other compensation) match job duties, tasks, and responsibilities.

Answer the above using the question and answer (Q&A) format. 300 words

HRM 532 Assignment 3

 Assignment 3: Talent Management Strategy
Due Week 6 and worth 200 points

Envision an organization (profit, nonprofit, product-or service-driven) with 200 people in which 20 are identified leaders.

With this organization in mind, write a six to eight (6-8) page paper in which you:

  1. Formulate a talent management strategy to encompass the entire talent requirements of the organization.
  2. Determine the key components of talent management, including identifying, assessing, and developing talent.
  3. Examine how the talent management process is a strategy for a competitive advantage for your organization.
  4. Assess how the talent management strategy should change with the anticipation of the organization doubling in five to six (5-6) years.
  5. Use at least five (5) quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not quality as academic resources.

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

  • Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
  • Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date.
  • The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required page length.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

  • Examine the process of linking talent management to organizational goals to gain a competitive advantage.
  • Analyze the process for crafting a talent brand and accessing talent channels.
  • Determine the characteristics of an effective onboarding model.
  • Explore how to identify and develop high-potential talent.
  • Analyze behavior change theories and their impact on talent management processes.
  • Use technology and information resources to research issues in talent management.
  • Write clearly and concisely about talent management using proper writing mechanics.

Click here to view the grading rubric for this assignment.